⋆ bbf

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an age gap of 4 years

y/n pov

I finally got out of my bed. I just woke up from a nap, because they're so needed when your bored. I grabbed my phone and noticed the text from my mother.

Mom- I've gone out, i'll be back soon.

So I'm home alone, great. I walked out my bedroom door in a bra and some sweatpants, i can't wait to live alone, walking around in underwear all day long and shirts. I put my headphones in and walked down the steps heading to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and opened the fridge reaching for the orange juice.

"Y/n!" I heard making me jump. What the actual- mom said i was alone. I turned around looking straight at my brother. Why's he here. Go away b/n. I switched my music and removed my headphones. "What the fuck?!" He whispered shouted.

"What?" I spoke sounding really really rude, but who gives two shits. Me and my brother never really got along, he was the golden child the perfect little fuck. I wasn't oh so perfect and defiantly not the straight A kid. 

"Do you have no shirts left?!" He said.

"The dog ate them." I said pouring my juice in.

"All my friends are here and they just saw you half fucking naked." He grabbed the orange juice out my hand.

"Did they like the view?" I smirked looking past the island in the kitchen to the living room. Our house had an open floor plan you could see everything. From where i'm stood i could see all his friends turned around to look at us arguing. They're all 4 years older than me. I've known them all more ales for 3 years.

"Please put a shirt on." His voice softened. 

"I have to go upstairs again?" I put all my body weight onto the island leaning on it.

"How fucking lazy are you?" One of his friends laughed walking to me. Vinnie. He was the best looking one out of them all.  His tattoos were the best thing about him, that spider on his fucking chest and that snake wrapped around his arm. I always wanted that, still do. His hands went to the hem of his shirt and pulled it off "Here, put it on." 

"I'd rather drink my own piss that wear that sweaty shirt." I stated. All their eyes widened.

Vinnie's pov

Y/n has always been like this, so damn cocky. I liked her for that how she didn't care what anyone thought of her. She was reckless worse than all us boys put together.  She stormed off up stairs. 

"Y/n!" Her brother shouted for her.

"I'll go talk to her, she doesn't seem okay."

"When ever is she okay?" He stated.

"Maybe you should treat her like the adult she is, she isn't  16 anymore b/n she's 18." I said.

"Like you know her." He said. I know alot about. I've been around her the past 3 years. I know she likes the colour white even though it's not really a colour. Her best friend is a bitch and self centred. Y/n hate's anything flavoured strawberries.

I began to walk up to her room and i reached it knocking slowly. She let out a small 'hmm' as i walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Your brother is a jerk." I stated noticing she was wearing a shirt now.

"Tell me about it." She let a small laugh out "Why are you here?"

"Because i care about you. And  i know as much as you hate him, you listen to him. You didn't today whats got you so worked up?" I sat at the end of her bed.

"Get lost." She slid out her bed opening the door for me.

"Why are you so stubborn?" I walked to her. I was a lot taller than her. She got those genes from her mother, clearly. I walked closer to her backing her up into a wall.

"What. What are you doing, move!" He hands reached my chest trying to push me, and she did. 

Y/n pov

He just fucking cornered me up and my stomach was tingling. "Vinnie?" i barely got out. 

"Hm?" He hummed pushing his hands through his hair.

"Do that again." i whispered. He looked at me like I had a spider on my face.  He walked closer to me backing me up against the wall again. My hands on his chest but they weren't pushing him away, they were just there. I moved them down his chest as one of his hands were on my waist and the other against the wall. I reached the hem of his shirt and moved my hands to his bare skin under the shirt. I pushed my hands up under his shirt. 

I could feel his abs. The slight raise of his tattoos.

"Y/n" He whispered throwing his head back.

"Vin." I said wrapping my hands around his waist.

"Your brother is going to kill me." He whispered moving his face to the crook of my neck.

"He'll kill me too." i whispered. His lips pressed against my neck kissing it so slowly, like he didn't want this to end.

"I've been waiting for this for so damn long." I felt the words vibrate through my body.

"I hate to admit this, but same." I gulped threading my fingers through his hair.

authors note
part 2??🤭🤭

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