⋆ your shirt (two)

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pre warning. this is my first time writing smut. so lmao enjoy?

⋆y/n pov

"You're gonna just have to be silent then." He smirked shoving my books of the bed. 

"Vin." A moan slipped out my mouth as he devoured my neck, sucking and tugging on it. He moved his lips up towards my jawline. His right hand held my face as he kissed is, his other slid down my stomach his fingers grazing my skin. As his hand dipped into my shorts his lips crashed onto mine. His tongue touched my lower lips and i allowed his tongue to explore my mouth, but he didn't. Instead he bit on my lip. Our kiss tasted like metal now. He slowly back of my lips. I craved more from him. His hand that was in my shorts pushed down my shorts leaving my naked, waist down. I felt the cold draft from my opened window hit me. I turned to looked at it.

Vinnie reached for my shirt pulling it of me. "God." He spoke, sounding a lot more like a moan "You didn't wear any underwear?" He said pulling his shirt of revealing his toned abs. I unconsciously bit my lower lip and nodded. "You have a habit of biting your lip, talk to me mystery girl." He said as he pushed down his sweatpants. My eyes widened at his bulge. This man.

I felt a smirk form on my face. "You've turned mute?" He moved so he was hovering over me now. His hand wrapped around my neck "Your door is locked right?" He said looking at it. I slowly shook my head. "Talk pretty girl. Give me a moan." He said plunging a finger into my heat. My core had been aching since he decided to slowly strip tease in front of me.His finger swirled in me causing me to moan. He slipped another finger in causing my back to arch ever so slightly. His free hand went under my back making me arch more.

"That's a good girl." He spoke "Keep it down, don't want daddy running in here. We know how he hates me." He panted. His fingers thrusted in me. Without noticing my hips were grinding against his fingers. "Ride it out, good girl." He moaned in my ear. Several moans slipped out my mouth as he used the pad of his thumb to circle my clit. "Touch yourself mystery girl, do what I taught you." My hands moved of the bed and onto my breast. Massaging them, doing what he taught me. I learn fast.

"I need you." I whispered. He didn't hear me first time. He was just looking at me falling so apart.

⋆vinnies pov

She was falling apart in my arms. Beautifully breaking.  "I need you." She moaned as she fucked my fingers"please."  One word that makes me fall under her spell ever damn time. When she walks past me in the hallways in with a skirt on, they she hikes it up her waist when we pass. Her fucking grin. Her smile. Her eyes.

Her hands pushed my boxers down. "Don't be loud." I kissed her neck lining myself up with her wet entrance. 

"please, vin, please." She begged threading her fingers between my hair. 

"Pill?" I asked.

"Took it this morning, promise." She moaned the ending as i pushed in. Her hands moved from my head to my back. Her nails digging into my back. Pleasure is pain. I moved my hips back ever so slowly and thrusted myself into her. "Faster." She panted after my first thrust.

⋆y/n pov

He began moving faster. Heat pooled in my lower stomach. He sped up, my headboard banging the wall. Moans slipping out both our mouths. The sound of our skin hitting each other.  "I'm there." I arched my back moaning.

"Say it, your a big girl." He teased. He knows i hate saying it. "Come on." 

"I'm," I paused "I'm gonna-" His sudden thrust caught me of guard earning a loud moan from me. His hand went over my mouth restricting me from speaking. He slowly removed his hand. "I need to come." I whispered "Right fucking now." 

"Come with me mystery girl." 

authors note
did i cringe? 100000% 
that was horrible, its written so bad
So yeh. but you asked for it, so here.

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