⋆ bully

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I wasn't in the mood today.

Last night my mom had a whole fit because I didn't 'care about her feelings and emotions' and how i'm selfish. Like what the actual fuck, it wasn't needed. My zip up hoodie was baggier than i thought, i thought i'd look decent. I look homeless. 

Too late, i'm already walking through school and my eyes instantly fall to them. The 5 bastards who pick on me everyday and have been since sophomore year. It' annoying how everyday they push me to the floor, wack my books away and even go as far as throw food on me. I stopped telling teachers because they don't do crap anymore.

"Hey, y/n!" One of them said, Quinn. She had blonde hair (she's a fake blonde) and was your regular mean bitch "Did that hobo near school give you some clothes?" She laughed. Her friends snickered.

I ignored her comment and walked to my locker where i was joined with a body. 

"Y/n, y/n, y/n." He repeated. 

"Vinnie." I said not looking at him. Him, he told them what to do to me. He hurt me more than them all put together. We were friends freshman year then he fell into a bad crowd and became the biggest bitch alive.

"Your brother's hand me down?" He said picking the hem of my zipped up hoodie "God, i feel bad for you." oh fuck you.

"I'm sorry i'm not as rich as you." I bluntly said slamming my locker door. He looked shocked.

"I am not fucking rich!" He shouted "Stop being so insecure." What the fuck is wrong with him.

I continued walking away from him feeling his eyes burn into my back. He's waiting for my response as everyone in the hallway looks at me walk.

"So insecure she's walking away" He taunted. I turned around dropping my bag to the ground and storming over to him "Oh fuck." I heard him whisper. I've had enough of him shoving me around. It's his turn. I pushed him into a locker.

"Maybe i am insecure." I fisted his shirt in my hands. My hands on his chest. "I am. You've had your fun fucking around, my turn." His hand was on my waist trying to push me away. The bell went for first period. His hands travelled up my waist. Stop it. Stop.

"Who gave you that?" He said looking down at my waist. He poked the bruise, it's been there all week. My brother always said to be perfect to get out this town. I am perfect, i'm clever and all. "Y/n?" Vinnie spoke "Why do you have a bruise?" I let go of him running to my bag. I stormed off before he could ask any more question.

"who gave you it?"
"where it come from?"
"are you okay?"

"Y/n!" He ran after me "Please wait." He grabbed my wrist and looked at me. I never noticed how light his eyes were. A light brown. A nice brown.

"I'm late for english." I said yanking my wrist out his grip.

"Did your brother do that?" I could hear his voice become thick, like he almost regretted saying that. I froze. Everyone knew my brother was a drunk. An alcoholic who had too much freedom. He graduated 2 years ago yet everyone remembers how much of a party animal he was. I'm the damn opposite of that. "Did he?" I didn't look at him as he spoke "No one should hurt you."

no one should hurt you.

"Fuck." He whispered "Your too nice to be hurt." 

i'm nice?

"Everyday." I whisper "Every morning and lunch you decide to annoy me. Hurt me, and now your saying. Your saying no one should hurt me because i'm nice. Vinnie. Vinnie if i'm nice why the fuck do you hurt me so much. Why do make me go home crying feeling so weak, feeling like shit. I thought maybe home might be an escape. But i go back to it every night. The same bullshit you give me i get at home." I ended up sounding really angry.

He stood there frozen as much as me "So he does hurt you?" 

"You know the answer, now go away." I continued walking. "I hate you." I whispered really quietly walking to class.

vinnie's pov

She walked away from me. I need to say sorry. She won't accept it. I know what she's like, she will never forgive me.

skip abit to the end of the day.

I caught a glimpse of her in the school parking lot. Her school bag slipping down her shoulder she pushed it back up. "I'll be back." I say to the group as walk towards her. She had headphones in.

"Oh god." She mumbled as her bag fell again and as if she knew i was there she locked eyes with me "Oh god, go away."

"I'll walk you home." I stated pulling one earbud out.

"No." She put it back in her ear. Her phone was in her hand. I grabbed the end of the wire and pulled it out her phone. The beach by tnbh was playing. I smiled remembering  that it was our song freshman year.

"Our song huh?" I smirked "Missing me?" 

"Am i fuck!" She shoved me aside and carried on walking "Stop caring about me, it's annoying your better of 'bullying me'" She tucked her phone in her pocket and walked off. I ran to her and went in front of her.

"Y/n im sorry." I said "I'm- I was an idiot i am an idiot. I'm sorry for making your life shit. I know you wont accept that but ya know, it was worth a shot. And i care about, i know i didn't physically hurt you, but no one should be hurt that much." I said looking at where her bruise is. "Let me walk you home, please." I said which came out more of a beg.

She smiled. Holy- she smiled. Like a smile before a laugh. She bit her lower lip trying not to laugh. "If i let you walk me home, will you shut up?" She got out.

"I'll shut up and tell them to back of you." I said smiling, ear to ear.

As we began to walk she spoke.

"Why the sudden heart of change?" She asked "Like, why stop bullying me?"

"Do you want me to carry on?" I sarcastically said. She let out a soft laugh and shook her head "No, i don't know y/n. Maybe because part of me wants to see you happy in school. See you smile more and not having to worry about my fucking friends or me to annoy you."

She stopped walking "You care about me?" she said like that almost as if she's never been cared for.

"I regret it all. I hate myself for it. I'm sorry okay i'm really fucked up but i hop-" She cut me by placing her lips on mine. What- Her hands pressed against my face.

"That was because you don't shut up." She smiled walking ahead. She kissed me. The butterflies in my stomach had duplicated. Wow.

authors note

omg thats alot of words lmao.
i dont know how to feel about this.
i wanted to make it so much longer
but thats effort so i rushed it sorry.

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