⋆ boy next door (two)

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y/n pov

I went to sleep after my little conversation with him but I didn't sleep for long. Tossing and turning i decided to get out of bed and unpack. The boxes stacked on one another waiting for me to do something about it. I ripped the tape of one box as i looked around for my headphones. They're on the desk. I walked towards it grabbing them and started playing one more hour by tame impala. God, the things i'd do to hear them live.

I began to put my books away that were stacked in the box. I already had built in bookshelves in my room. I grabbed my favourite book The Secret History (a/n i fucking love this book) and placed it on the shelf. An hour had past and i had half my books sorted out. By now gracie abrams was playing.  I disconnected my headphones from my phone and the song Feels like started playing as i noticed  hadn't closed the curtains. 

He was there again.

My god he's perfect. His curly dirty blond-brownish hair. His perfect smile. I've not even known him for more than 24 hours but i know me and him will be each others mold. I know we'll fit one another. I laughed lightly as he noticed me, again. He pulled open his window. My window was slightly open for some fresh air,"Your number?" He spoke. I shook my head laughing and went to open it fully. 

vinnies pov

"insert your number" She said repeating the numbers a million of times, she was so quiet.  Her hair fell perfectly and her smile, holy shit, it made me smile. I looked down at my phone ringing the number. I was still leaning against my window frame as her number went through. I laughed as she picked it up.

"Hi." She chirpy said.

"Hello." I said looking right at her. 

"I'm closing my window, it's cold." She said doing it. I did the same. I had her number now. 

Phase one complete. Onto phase two: Make her fall in love with me.

I walked over to my bed and i suppose she did the same as she closed her curtains. 

"How old are you?" She whispered through the phone.

"17, turning 18 in a few weeks, you?" I smiled. If only she could see how happy she's making me. It's been only a few hours since i've known of her but she's making me insane. She looks so innocent, like one of those girls who enjoy the rain and crispy fallen leaves and who don't take no as an answer. 

"17." She happily said "Quick question?"

"Hm, ask away." I smiled more my cheeks not feeling the pain from smiling too much.

"Ever heard of Gracie Abrams?" She asked. Is that her favourite singer?

"I've heard one of her songs yes. The one called '21'" I spoke as i placed my phone on my bed and pressing the loud speaker button.

"I'm listening to that right now!" She laughed. Oh wow. Her laugh is pretty. 

y/n pov

I woke up to light snores. What? I looked around my room but no one was there. I sat up straight and noticed my phone. We fell asleep on call. I felt my face red up. I got up out of the bed and opened my curtains and the window. His curtains were drawn and his window closed. 

"You there y/n?" A voice said. Vinnie. I grabbed my phone.

"Morning." I chuckled lightly.

"Mornin'" He said. His morning voice was beautiful. It was deep yet sweet. I'm mkaing no sense once again. "You free today? I wanna show u the town." 

"Oh my- A free tour guide?" I said. All i could hear was him laughing. 

"Oh no. You have to pay me," He paused "A kiss for an hour."  He's joking right?

"So, if you toured me around for 3 hours, you'd get three pecks of my kisses?" I said "That's abit cheap."

"OKay!" He said loudly, as if he was standing up or up straight "3 kisses per hour. So 9 kisses." 

"You have yourself a deal sir." I laughed.

"y/n!" My mother stormed in. I looked at her "Go give this next door. I made cookies and made a bit many." She placed a plate of cookies on my drawer and left.

"I think you might get them 9 kisses in 3 mins." I said grabbing my clothes.

authors note
no part 3 im a lazy shit

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