⋆ under her spell

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also listen to the song when it's mentioned or before
i couldn't care less tbh.

vinnies pov

We just got home from a party and shes pissed of at me. She's angry because i made eye contact with a girl for a split second. Y/n is stood in front of the mirror in our room avoiding eye contact with me. I'm sat on the edge of our bed unbuttoning my shirt.

"Your not going to apologise?" She said looking at me through the mirror.

"Why should I when I did nothing wrong, love?" I said continuing unbuttoning my shirt. The room fell silent and she began to let down her hair from her ponytail. Her (insert colour) hair is fucking sexy when let down, and she's doing it damn on purpose right now. She turned around and looked right at me. She held the eye contact a while before walking right in front of me. Fucking straddling me. She just placed her ass on my lap knowing damn well we're both pissed off. This is either going to end with her under me or her walking out the bedroom door. Her arms wrapped around my neck, digging her ass into me. 100% ending up with her under me.My shirt is half unbuttoned and my sleeves are rolled up. Her dress is still on her. The small black dress I told her not to wear. She reached for her phone which she threw on the bed when she walked in and played a song. Oh so we are doing this.  Spells started playing. Holy fuck. She looked at me.

The beat kicked in and she leaned in towards my ear "You're mine Vin." She said running her hand that's free up my chest "I should be the one you fucking look at." Stop fucking talking your driving me insane Y/n. 

I placed one hand on her hip and the other on her chin. "If you being fucking jealous makes you do this," I said relating to her on my lap "I should get you jealous more. I like it." Before i knew it she was grinding on me as I took my shirt off. 

"You're mine, remember that." She moaned in my ear. She's fucking dominating me, and I like it. I bought my hand to the zip of her dress pulling it down, knowing she's naked under it.

"And you're mine." I said crashing down on her lips.

authors note

yk how icky i find this reading it back
it hurts. 

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