be not afraid :)

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Hey :)
Yes you :)))

You know what's cool?

Analog horror :D

Analog horror :D

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He's just a happy guy :)

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He's just a happy guy :)

Anyways, have this one-of-a-kind Gabriel from the Mandela Catalogue, an analog horror series on youtube, very good series might I add, do look it up if you're interested in horror in any way :D ^^

Or, you know, just enjoy this


A very quick question for everyone who bothers to read this:
I have been working on an little countryhumans AU of mine, which is too heavily based on Christianity and its beliefs, but mostly on hell, sins and overall everything that would be frowned upon within the religion. Basically the setting is hell itself, based on Dante's Inferno (the Nine Circles of Hell), but with other aspects aswell, such as the Seven Deadly Sins, the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and additionally my own spin on things.
I don't really have a story for it yet, it's mostly world building and character designing at this point, but that's where the tricky thing comes in-

Should I post these sketches here?
I know that religious imagery and concepts like that can be triggering for some and while I'm not in any way, shape or form affected by it myself, I mean I AM the one working on it without problem afterall, plus I'm not Christian, or in fact religious in any other way, I'd rather not risk doing something people might not like.

I can enjoy this stuff for myself and for my own self-indulgence, but I'd like to know if you would like to see and know more about it yourself, if I get enough feedback, It'll probably be the next post, as I've already got finished content for it.
Thank you for reading this and I'd really do like your guy's opinion on this, no matter if you'd want something or not, just anything would be helpful-
'Til next time ^^ :D

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