Chapter 37 - Where Are You Now

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This will all be in Tyler's POV.

This is a bonus chapter, but a much needed one to understand further the story. Enjoy! :)


Ash seemed a little distant nowadays. I couldn't blame her. I have been too. It's just that, everything happened so fast.

Ashley is an awesome girl. She's smart, pretty, down to earth, hilarious, basically all the adjectives you could think of. But of course, she has flaws. She gets too clingy and needy at times, but hey, that's just who she is. She is the best girlfriend, too bad, I cheated on her.

Yes, I did cheat on her with some girl named Diana. I met her at some party a friend of mine hosted. She was obviously checking me out, and I couldn't say no, even if I tried. I am guy, I have needs too.

We drank a little too much, got super wasted, then hooked up after. I thought that was it. For me, it was just a one night stand, but for her, it is a whole lot more. I never even asked for her number.

Few days later, she freakin' showed up on my doorstep. How insane was that? I was not raised not to have some manners, so I let her in. Dad was sat the dining table, I didn't have any better excuses. It's not like I was going to tell my dad we are hooking up, I don't roll that way. I just told him she's my girlfriend. He seemed to have bought it, luckily.

Days passed, I have to face Ashley. The only one that does know all about this is Carter, because he's like a brother to me. I did the only thing I could do. I will tell Ashley when the right time will come.

I don't want her to suspect a thing. I entered school with a smile on my face, but on the inside I was far from smiling. Fortunately, the hours passed by quickly. I excused myself at lunch because I couldn't dare look at Ashley in the eyes. My conscience is eating me alive.

So, I went to the field and threw footballs. This place is my happy and comfort place. When I need time to think, I just come her and indulge myself in throwing these balls.

I was about to throw another ball when I noticed someone sprinting towards me. My vision was blurry at first, but when the person became nearer, it was that time when reality hit me pretty hard. She even hugged me tight. What the hell? How did she even enter the school? She doesn't even study here.

"What the hell are you doing here? I thought I specifically told you to leave me alone. What we had is just a mistake, okay? What part of that don't you get?" I yelled at her face. She raised her eyebrows at me and rolled her eyes.

"I missed you too, Tyler. Is that some way of greeting your girlfriend? I am your girlfriend, right? I mean, you introduced me to your dad as one. That counts." She smiled deviously at me. Seriously, this is getting way out of hand.

"Just piss off okay?" Then I walked out on her to follow Ashley but, luck wasn't on my side. Thankfully, Diana didn't follow where I was going. I seriously need to cut my communication with her. She is so annoying and hooking up with her was a pretty huge mistake. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself.

Ash, where are you?


It has been days since I last saw Ashley. I am a wreck right now. Every single day, I drown myself into alcohol, cliche I know. But what can I do? I can't even face my girlfriend face to face because I freakin' cheated on her. What have I been doing with my life?

"Tyler, seriously? You've been here since Thursday and it is now a Sunday. You haven't showered for the past few days, have you? I know the Ashley thing is bugging you off, but please, you have to take care of yourself too! Like you, I don't even know what to do anymore." How dare he barge in to my room like that? He clearly knows no boundaries.

"What? So, you're just gonna leave me like mom did? Yeah, you have to be a father and also a mother to me because she left us! Mom left us for another man! But as far as I know, you haven't been either of that for me." He sat on the floor beside me and hugged me. In that moment, I felt like he loved me so much and he wants me to be happy. He never said a word. He just hugged me for a while. I felt like, all this time, I do have a father. I just underrated him. Now, I feel sorry. Geez, clearly something is wrong with me.

"Go take a shower and get dressed. I'm taking you somewhere." So I did what he said. We were on his car, going to God knows where he is taking me.

Justin Bieber, spotted holding hands with a girl? And oh, not just any girl. This girl happens to be his best friend from Stratford, Ashley Monroe. Yup, his best friend. Do you guys think they are an item or is this just a friendly gesture? Tweet us your thoughts!

I stayed rooted in my seat, clutching the seatbelt tight.

I have lost the girl of my dreams, to the man of her dreams.



Quite and emotional chapter, is it?

And it's a Tuesday update! Bet you didn't expect that huh ;)

and and ooh, it's longer too! You are welcome! This is to make up for my absences hee :>

Anyways, how'd ya reckon Tyler now? Do you pity him or still loathe him? comment your thoughts! :)

Thank you guys so much. I love every single one of you! x

G xx

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