Chapter 24 - That Should Be Me

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"I fell in love with her when we were together, then fell deeper in love with her in the years we were apart."
- Nicholas Sparks, Dear John



The talk with Brenda went well, not what I had expected. I thought she wouldn't tell me the truth, but she did. She even shed some tears. It made me think back what she said a while ago.

"I know you do. From the moment I saw you two together, I knew you love her. Maybe it just took you a long time to realize."

It indeed take me a long time to realize it. Distance was absolutely a major factor contributing to this realization.

When we were apart, I felt like a part of me was missing. I might sound such a fag right now, but it is the truth. I felt incomplete. Now, I am back to seeing her every single day, I feel happy and at the same time sad.

I am happy that she's happy but not with me. I really have to step up my game if I wanted to get her back.

Knowing Ashley, she isn't an easy one. She wants someone who'll make an effort to win her. Before she trusts, she has to think a million times and weigh out the possibilities.

She maybe a little stubborn but what makes her so special is that when she says she loves you, she really means it. She'll care for you no matter what. And she'll do everything to keep the relationship going.

Someone like her is really hard to find.


I was now sitted on my bedroom by the window as I was planning on how to win Ashley back. It would probably be a hard thing but I'm willing to do everything I could.

As I looked out the window, I saw an R8 pull up at their house. Ashley then went out in the car, followed by that guy Tyler.

She was beaming from ear to ear, clutching a bouquet of flowers with her hands.

I was watching them intently. They seem so happy about something.

Minutes after, Tyler hugged Ashley and kissed her temple. From afar, I could read the words coming out from her lips. She told Tyler she couldn't believe they were together now.

I tried to look away to avoid the tears from falling down but my eyes were glued to them.

I couldn't help it. Tears kept falling from my eyes. I didn't know what to do. But I know one thing is for sure,

That should be me.



This is rather a short chapter but it does explain what Justin is really feeling. Poor Justin :( thoughts?

I wrote this chapter while listening to Close as Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer bc it relates to the Jashley situation :)

Hope you like the suprise update eventhough I told you ahead lol I managed to squeeze in an update although I am busy bc I love you guys too much <3


Oh and one last thing, who do you want to play Tyler? :)

Til next update (whenever that is lol),


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