Chapter 19 - Flatline

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I am so sorry for the very late update. I have been busy with a lot of stuff. I hope you understand that.

Anyways, here's chapter 19.



I woke up with a spiltting headache. I looked around and noticed that I wasn't in my room. All I see are white walls surrounding me and an IV tube connected to my wrist. What the hell? Where am I? What in the world happened?

"Oh honey. You are awake. I'm just going to call the doctor to check up on you." Mom mumbled then walked out to fetch the doctor. I have no idea what is going on right now. Have I been sick? I really don't remember.

Minutes later, mom came back with the said doctor. He checked my vital signs and said I was doing okay at the moment.

"How long was I out?" I asked them. I couldn't really remember anything.

"About a day now. Don't worry. We rescheduled the concert until you are okay and told everyone what happened to you. They understood and wish you all the best." I wouldn't want to let my beliebers down but I guess this is for the better.

The doctor told my mom to let me take whatever medication he prescribed and if she did, I'll be out here in maybe 2 days or so.

We were left alone. I couldn't see Fredo, or Scooter, or Ryan anywhere though. I can't help but think where are they.

"Mom? What exactly happened?" I was hoping she'd tell me the truth.

"The doctor said you suffered from overfatigue due to stress and maybe, a lot of things are going on your mind right now." Indeed, a lot is going on in my mind right now. I have been stressing on things that don't matter. I don't know what is wrong with me.

"When did I pass out? All I could remember is that after the concert, we talked and then all of a sudden everything went black."

"Did you remember what we talked about?" Mom was hesitant. I could tell she wasn't sure if she's going to tell me or not.

I thought about it for a while then it hit me. Mom and I talked about what happened to Ashley. I could remember her being one less lonely girl that night. And after the concert, I met her and Tyler and she hugged me and said I was her sunshine and she loved me so much and and that I have saved her. I even saw her shed some tears.

"W-we talked about Ashley." Mom inched closer, gripping my free hand.

"That is the main reason why you passed out. When I told you what happened to her and why she couldn't recognize you, you couldn't accept it. You didn't even say a thing after what I said." I can feel fresh tears streaming down my eyes.

It was my fault. It was my fault she couldn't remember me. It was my fault she was in that accident. It was all my fault.

I wasn't sure what to do. I mean, she is happy with Tyler now and all I want is to see her happy. The thought of that makes me cry. I wanted to be the one making her happy but I have to screw it up.

I still love her so much. I miss my best friend.

But all she knows is I'm her idol. Nothing more, nothing less.

Oh, Justin. What have you done?



HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLOOOOOO I AM BACK after 4 months lolololol finally!

I am sorry for I was super busy with stuff those past few months and yeah, I hope you understand that though because I have no plans on giving up this story if that's what you thought.

Anyways, How are y'all doing? Great. That's awesome :)

Poor Justin :(((((

What do you think he'll do? VOTE COMMENT FAN AND ALL THAT JAZZ

I love you guys, a lot. Thank you.


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