"Justin, do you happen to know any Maria?" Scooter asked me out of the blue while we were on a line to the receiving area of the airport. I was confused. Why was he asking me this?
"Yeah, Maria Shriver? Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife? Why?" He looks at me and rolled his eyes. I clearly wasn't joking.
"Please cut the crap, Justin." I looked at him, confused. Why was he asking me this? Is this the emergency he was talking about? And mostly, why was he mad about what I said? That wasn't a joke.
"Why Scoot? I can't remember any Maria." He sighed and proceeded inside the plane. He was silent the whole flight to LA. I don't know what to do. He was never this way. This must be such a big issue.
As soon as we landed, paparazzis were crowding us. What else is new?
Justin, where's Ashley?
Are you two really a thing or is she just a rebound?
Why isn't she with you?
Have you talked to Maria?Who was this Maria they were talking about? Why don't I know her? Why are they asking me this?
I chose to ignore them because if I say something, they'll fabricate it and add things that will make my image look worse. I mean, people are watching my every move to have something to bring me down. They feast on my failures. I act like I don't care but deep down, it pains me.
I shook my head and went directly to the SUV, avoiding the paps at any cost.
The drive home was silent. There was this awkward tension between all of us. As soon as we arrived, everyone parted ways. Not even a single word was uttered. I am so not used to the silence.
I figured, since everyone is doing what the hell they are doing, might as well sleep. I haven't slept since we left Stratford. As I was about to shut my eyes, I overheard yelling; curses were thrown. I was most certain it was Fredo and Scooter arguing.
I inched my way to the door. I know eavesdropping isn't a good thing but heck, I have a feeling they are talking about me and this so called Maria.
"Scoot, I really think we should tell him. Did you even hear the paps? They know and I am pretty sure, the rest of the world will know in a matter of days. It's not like it is true, we haven't asked Justin yet. What if she's faking it all just to get attention?"
"Why the hell would she do something that stupid? To sabotage Justin's career? We've had enough of people trying to bring him down. This is getting ridiculous." I wasn't going to buy this anymore. I have to know. I barged into the living room, shocking both of them.
"Is there something you haven't told me?" I asked, pain evident on my voice. Both of them looked at each other, mentally arguing on who's going to tell me.
"Justin, calm down. We've kept this to you because we know you would act this way. But I know you have an idea because you heard the paps ask you about this matter. I guess now is the right time. Do you remember when I asked if you know any Maria? I remained silent, didn't I? Well, the sole purpose for that is I didn't want to worry you. You may not have known this but, Maria is claiming you are the father of the child she's carrying. I don't know how or why did it happen." I was shocked to say the least. I don't even know her, why would she make up rumors like that? Why do people hate me this much?
"She's saying you and both met on tour and such. Now, she's demanding a paternity test for you. She contacted me but I chose not to believe her until I hear your side of the story." Scooter said as calmly as he could. I wasn't mad, I was frustrated. Do I deserve any of these things? I was born and raised by my parents with good manners. Sure, I've made mistakes in the past which I am not proud of. But I wouldn't do something this stupid.
"If she wants that paternity test, let's give it to her just to shut her up." I said without any emotion. I was deeply hurt.
"But Justin, this will destroy your career." Scooter argued.
"But if we won't grant what she wants, perhaps she'll make up another story about how I got her pregnant. We wouldn't want that, right?" I countered which rendered Scooter speechless.
"Do you really wanna do it?" Now, it was Fredo's turn to ask. I almost forgot he was even here.
"If it ends all the questions and rumors then, yes." I walked out of the house to the backyard to get some fresh air. It was suffocating inside.
Not long, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID only to know that Ashley was calling me.
"Please tell me it isn't true. Please." I didn't know what to tell her, to be honest. I was as confused as she was.
"Justin, tell me! I would understand if you would tell me." I can hear her sobbing. I can't bare this any longer. I hung up.
I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a tear stream down my face. Why do I have to suffer? Have I really been that bad? Don't I deserve credit? Why does everyone hate me?
I don't usually cry, but this, this is too much to handle. I can't do this anymore. This is messed up.
I laid on the grass and cried and cried. I can't resort to suicide, I know that's not the best thing to do.
God, what do I even do now?
The chapter is quite predictable, I know. But I bet you didn't expect the ending, am I right?
Anyways, HELLO HELLO HELLO!!! I AM BACK!!! Sorry for not updating sooner because school sucks, I know. Lame excuse, but it's true. School is getting in the way.
I would like to thank all of you for being patient with me and bearing with me.
I cannot promise to update on the said schedule but I will try my best :)
Only 5 chapters left then an epilogue. Just keep posted. A lot will still happen, don't worry ;)
Thank you guys. I love every single one of you.
- G (@jaggedpilljack on twitter // self promotion right there heh)

He's Still The One
FanfictionJustin Bieber, the worldwide pop star is constantly on the tabloids for his bad behavior. Every belieber defends him. But there is one person ready to take a bullet for him. That person is his childhood best friend whom he forgot because he was too...