Chapter 6 - Runaway Love

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Justin left. He left me to freakin' Atlanta! He left me without saying goodbye. I get it. I know he wants to be a success in the music industry and I support him. But leaving without saying goodbye and never coming back? That is another matter.

This really stabs me. Why is he doing this to me? I don't freakin' deserve this. This isn't the Justin I know.

Maybe he changed. People change.

Since he left, I have been a wreck. I have been sobbing in my room and wasn't planning on eating something. I was that upset. He could've told me that he was leaving. I would've understood but no, he didn't. I have to find out through my mum.

What a good best friend you are, Justin.

"Ash, you've been here for days now and still haven't eaten a thing. I get that you are sad but you have to eat." My mum looks worried. I don't blame her though. If my daughter haven't eaten for days, I would probably freak out too.

"I'm not in the mood to eat, mum." I was dead serious about me being not in the mood. I mean, how would I feel knowing my best friend left me without any warning? It's like I don't matter to him at all.

"Honey, Justin is chasing his dream. You have to understand. He probably did it for your own good because he thought you wouldn't approve. He is doing this to protect you because he doesn't want to see you get hurt. That boy really likes you, Ash. I can feel it." I pondered upon my mom's words. Mum maybe right.

But if he doesn't want to see me get hurt, why all of a sudden leave me?

Ugh, Justin. You are confusing me.

I haven't even told him that I like him. Maybe there's a possibility that he might like me back but I didn't man the hell up.

I screwed up. I screwed up big time.

Oh, why am I regretting? He left me for no damn reason at all. That probably means he is trying to forget about me.

I need to put a straight face and move on because he isn't coming back. He's gone. Gone for good.

If he wants it this way, so be it.

Two can play your game, Bieber.

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