Chapter 34 - Die In Your Arms

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As much I want to stay in my room forever, I can't. I have to get my ass up to school and face Tyler eventually. It's not like we aren't gonna bump into each other. It doesn't work that way.

Getting out of bed was hard. What more going to school and face this good for nothing asshole who shattered my heart into pieces.

Inside, I feel like an emotional wreck but I tried to put a much more decent exterior. I was never good with dealing with these things. Surprisingly, people haven't noticed I have been moping around for the past weekend.

I was walking towards the room where English, the first subject for this day, when I remembered Tyler and I go to this class together. I felt heavy. It was like the weight of the earth was on my shoulders and I was being pulled by gravity to a vortex out of nowhere.

I got nearer, I muttered incoherent curse words to myself and sat at my usual seat. Moments later, Tyler barged in with his oh so glorious smile which I want to erase so badly, plastered on his face. He saw me and moved towards me. He kissed my temple and sat beside me. I was too numb to feel anything.

"Ash, babe. You alright? You seem a little off." Yeah because getting your heartbroken by the person you thought wouldn't is okay, I thought to myself. I did immediately recompost myself and gave him a small smile, indicating I am alright. Two can play your game, McDonough.

He seems to have bought it and went with it throughout the day. Morning came by as a blur until I realized it was already lunch time. I was too busy contemplating on some sort of wicked plan that I know, would totally backfire. Nonetheless, I managed to get through the morning without Tyler suspecting anything.

As we were seated at our usual table at the lunch room, I can't help but notice that Tyler seems a little off and distracted. He never stays put and is always looking at the direction of the door. I wonder who or what is he waiting for. It is still my business, right?

"I have to go. I have to uh, do some stuff," Tyler said as he stood up and bid everyone at the table goodbye. I eyed him and he said he'd call me and tell me everything after he kissed my temple.

"Ash, what is wrong with you and Tyler?" James asked me. I didn't know what to tell them, honestly. The only ones that know the real story are Tyler's dad and my mum. Even Candice doesn't know.

"There's nothing wrong with us. We are okay." I gave them a sly smile. I stood up, a few minutes later. They asked where I was going. I just told them I had something to do when in reality, I was going to stalk Tyler. I know this seems uncanny for me but I had to do it.

I thought about where Tyler is for a while then realized that a jock will always be seen in the field. And I was right, he was there. All alone, throwing footballs in the air that didn't even hit the touchdown line.

I was supposed to go to him and tell him everything when I saw a girl, running towards his direction, and hugging him like the world might end this time.

I felt fresh tears roll down my cheeks. I turned around unable to see what will happen next because I know it will just pierce me.

I walked for like a hundred miles, feeling heavier than usual. I ducked my head down and tried to dodge people in my way but failed miserably. I bumped into someone that made the both of us fall. I looked up and saw it was Justin.

Justin? What was he doing here? Why does he know I am here? Who told him? I can't let him see me like this. He has seen you in your worst. Get a grip, Ashley, my inner voice told me.

We stood up. He never said nor asked a thing. He just stood there and held me in his arms. I continued to sob in his chest for what feels like eternity.

In his arms, I felt much safer, less heavier. It feels like I could just die peacefully in his arms. That was enough to know that at that time, I wasn't all alone.



Hello. Sorry for my absence. As much as I want to be active on here, school always gets in the way. I am so sorry :(

Anyways, poor Ashley but hey, Justin is there to save the day or did he? Hmmmm..


Thank you for all your support.

Love you guys.


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