Chapter 7 - Never Say Never

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When my mum told me there was a talent manager interested in me, I was beyond thrilled. I mean, why not? This has always been my dream and it's finally coming true.

She was hesitant a first because of all the media scrutiny but then budged in because she knows it'll make me happy.

Mum told me we were flying to Atlanta to meet him, Scooter is his name I think. I can't help but feel excited and at the same time nervous like butterfiles infiltrating my stomach. This is the first time I'll ever ride on an airplane, the first time I'll fly overseas, the first time I'll be in Atlanta. There are so many first times in this experience I'm about to encounter.

I packed my bags without hesitation. I was really excited like really excited.

But wait, should I tell Ash? Yes, no, maybe. She does deserve to know but part of me hesitates because she won't be happy for me. She told me she supports me in ways that she could, right? Maybe she'll accept it.

I was about to dial her phone number when my mum called me and said if I didn't hurry up, we're going to be left.


We arrived at Atlanta at around 2 in the afternoon after we boarded at 8 am. We were fetched by a guy in his mid 20s or something. He must be Scooter.

"Are you Pattie? Hi and You must be Justin. I'm Scooter. Scooter Braun." He and mum shook hands and he led us to his car which had purple rims in it. It looked super cool in my opinion.

He drove us to the hotel we were staying for the past few days or so. The drive was silent. None of us dared to utter a word. Mum looks awed at her sight. I feel the same way too. I mean, Stratford is awesome but it's great to be in Atlanta. I get to experience a new envrionment.

"So, you're gonna be staying here. Feel free to roam around the hotel and order room service, it's all on me. I'll let you setlle in. I'll just pick you up at 8 tomorrow because we are meeting a good friend of mine named Usher. So, yeah. See you!" Did I hear him right? Is he saying what I think he's saying?

"Usher? You mean, Usher Raymond? Like Make Love In This Club Usher? Really? Woah! You serious?" I was completely blown away. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

"Yes, do you like him? I mean, are you a fan?" Scooter asked chuclikng at my actions. What the hell would I do? I'm meeting Usher freakin' Raymond! Of course, I'm freaking out.

"Like hell yeah! Ahhhh!! I can't wait!" I jumped up and down and grinned as wide as I could. I was that excited. Hey, this does not happen often you know.

"Well, I'm going now to let you guys get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Bye." Scooter smiled at me and I smiled back knowing that I just thanked him for making one of my dreams come true.

After settling in, mum and I both said our goodnights and went to bed.

I woke up at around 4 in the morning because I couldn't really contain my excitement. I got ready amd was hyped.

Brace yourself, Justin. This ought to be one of the greatest moments of your life.

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