02| Welcome to Cadence

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It was three in the morning and Cadee was not going to give herself enough time to regret what had happened. After they had been exhausted from coming so hard, which was a first for her, she’d pretended to sleep and Max had slept off after a while. Now she was up and picking up her things, ready to do the walk of shame. If she could only remember where Max had tossed her hair band. Without it, her hair was unmanageable and their little exercise had worsened the usual unruly state of the hair. She smiled at herself as she thought of what had transpired in the last few hours.

She pulled on her shoes and decided that she could endure looking like a mad woman if it meant Max didn't wake up to see her. She picked a pen and the notepad on the nightstand, wondering what to write. After a few seconds, she decided on a simple appreciation.

<Last night was fun, thanks for my first orgasms and the many other firsts. Cadee x>

She placed it on her pillow and let herself out of his room. The man at the reception eyed her, as he reached for his phone. He was probably ready to call security if she gave him the slightest reason. She couldn’t blame him, especially as she was dressed in a very skimpy gown and her hair was in a big mess. She smiled at him and hurried out, hailing a cab as she stepped into the street.

By the time she got home, she'd talked herself out of going back to relive the best sex of her life so she settled for playing the memories over and over in her head. She thought of his mouth on hers and the other places it had wandered. How he had held her and whispered sweet little nothings in her ear as he fucked her thoroughly. She thought of how he had made her cum, with his mouth and tongue, his fingers, and then his very impressive dick. It was with this thought that she tucked herself in and drifted off to sleep.

When she woke, it was a loud pounding on her door. She moaned as she opened her eyes and was immediately blinded by the sunlight. Cadee cursed and dragged herself from the bed. She had been so exhausted when she got in early this morning that she had forgotten to close the blinds. It took her a few seconds to get her sight back and the pounding at her door continued.

“I’m coming!” she yelled and hurried down the stairs.

“Good Lord!” Bianca gasped as Cadee opened the door to let her in.

“I feel like shit.”

“And you look like shit! How many drinks did you have after I left?” Bianca laughed at her as they walked into the kitchen.

Cadee started the coffeemaker and turned to her friend.

“Just the one I had, but Max and I opened a bottle last night. And I drank more than the usual –”

"Max? Who's Max? Oh, you dirty slut. Tell me everything!" Bianca clapped in glee after cutting Cadee off.

“I knew it was a good idea leaving you behind, now spill.”

Cadee poured a cup of coffee for herself and considered how much she was going to tell Bee. She probably should have kept her mouth shut before coffee. Now her friend wasn’t going to let this slide.

“Oooh, you’re blushing. He must be something. Did you do it?”

“Do what?” Cadee blushed more as she cradled her mug and turned away from her overly excited friend.

“Did you guys have sex, Cadence?”

She nodded still looking away from her friend. Bianca’s squeal was loud enough to get the neighbor’s dog barking. Cadee gave her a look and Bianca covered her mouth as she laughed.

“How was it?” Bianca’s eyes widened in excitement.

“It was amazing,” Cadee blushed.

“I can’t believe you finally lost your virginity. Amazing seems like you’re downplaying the entire thing. I need details.”

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