30|I'll choose my business...

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Cadee and Lucy Tanner placed their orders; the older woman opting for cinnamon tea while Cadee stuck with coffee and lots of cream. When the waitress brought the beverages, Cadee thanked her and sipped her hot drink, waiting for Lucy to say something.

"Your business seems to be doing well," Lucy said, cradling her tea and not drinking it.

"Yes. I've been getting a lot of referrals lately and I've gotten a lot of wedding jobs."

"That's nice. How many people do you have working for you?"

Cadee wondered if the woman called her out to enquire about her business or if this was her attempt at small talk. "Two. I'm considering opening a second location too, so that would mean more hires."

"Where do you have in mind?"

"I'm not sure yet. It would most likely be somewhere busier."

"Are you always hands-on with your work. You have people working for you."

"I love what I do. Its important to me to be hands-on with it."

"Hmm." Lucy finally took a sip from her drink. "I was talking about it with my Bible study friends and I'm pretty sure they've been frequenting. Did you meet Mrs. Jensen?"

"I did. You've been the one referring them?" Cadee beamed. "I'm so grateful for everything, Mrs. Tanner. Thank you so much."

"You don't have to thank me. You're part of the family now so of course I'd help out."

"I don't know how I'll relay this kindness." The reason she was considering opening a second location was because her sales had increased massively, along with her online following. If Lucy had been sending in the new clients, Cadee could say the woman was the reason for her decision.

"Actually I have a way you can repay me back," Mrs. Tanner said, her hands back on her pearls.

"How? What do you need me to do?" Cadee was wary now. She should have known better. The woman obviously did all that to get to this point.

"Have you considered getting someone to manage the shop so you'd have more free time on your hands."

Her eyebrows arched as she considered what the woman was saying. "why do I need time on my hands? I love staying busy."

"Maxwell is extremely busy as it is. He'd be taking over his father's company soon too. So I think it would be better if you devoted your time to supporting and caring for him."

"What?" Cadee didn't know whether to be amused or annoyed. She couldn't imagine that in this present day she'd be asked to stop working to take care of a man.

"Maxwell would need someone who'd be available for him twenty four hours of the day. Someone whose sole focus would be him. This business is going to take up much of your time."

"What do you mean care for him and devote my time to him?"

"I understand you guys are living together now. It would be better if you were to take responsibility for running the household."

Cadee dropped her mug noisily on the table as she felt her temper rise. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been pissed in recent months, but this woman with her outdated sense of reasoning was pushing her dangerously close to that edge. "I'm not going to put my dreams on hold to manage a man's house hold."

"You wouldn't do much, just help to manage the workers and make sure he's eating and resting well."

"I'm pretty sure Max hasn't complained about me running my business. Even if he does, I'd never quit it because of a man."

Somewhere In Between (18+)✔️Where stories live. Discover now