18| I only had two glasses of wine

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Max followed the obviously annoyed woman out to an empty hall next to the one they'd used for the event, wondering what she wanted. He didn't like that he had left Cadee to go home alone. He knew that if he didn't talk to Nina now, she would keep hounding him until he eventually gave in. So he had made excuses and then went back in to talk to her. He had found her frowning in front of the elevators, finally dropping the fake smile she had put up all evening.

Nina stared at him with narrowed eyes before saying, "so she's the reason you stopped talking to me? You know I can share. Or is it that serious?"

He sighed before looking at her. She was pacing now and getting irritated which reminded him of Cadee and he almost smiled. "It's serious," was all he said, waiting to see how she'd take it.

"Wasn't she the woman you went home with that night just to prove a point?" She eyed him.

He remembered that night when he'd been out with friends and Nina had showed up unexpectedly. She'd been clingy and refused to go home even when he repeatedly asked her to. So he'd gotten pissed and told her that all they had was sex and he wasn't interested in much more besides that. Nina pointed out that he'd introduced her to his brother so that meant they were more. So he had walked away and met Cadee. Thinking back to that moment, he realized he'd acted rashly.

"I knew it. Does she know?"

"Know what?"

"That you're with her to prove a point with me. There's no way you're actually in a relationship with her."

Max knew that if he gave her the slightest inclination that he was anything less than serious with Cadee, Nina would sink her claws in and refuse to let go. "Maybe that night, that was my intention. But right now, what I have with her is serious."

Nina laughed, "you've known her what? Two weeks or less? How do you know it's serious." She took slow steps towards him. "I bet she knows nothing about you. Does she know how you like to fuck?" She lifted her hands to cup his face. He wanted to pull away, but doing that would only encourage the woman.

"I thought we were in agreement when I called you. Why did you come here?" he asked instead.

"I came with someone and just happened to see you with her. Then I realized you ended things with me because of her."

"So you left the person you were with to come sit with us?"

"He'll understand. Seeing your family fawn over her when you didn't even want me to meet them just really hurt me, you know."

He sighed. "Nina, I'm sorry, but we had an agreement before we started fucking. Meeting the family was never part of it—"

Before he could complete his sentence, she leaned forward and kissed him, holding his head tight to her. Max held her hands and dragged them away, taking a few steps back. She made to follow but he glared at her. "Don't even think about it," he said in a low voice and the submissive part of her couldn't help but obey.

"I'm sorry," she lowered her head, blinking back tears. Max was getting exasperated and was trying his best to not lose his cool and yell at her.

"Nina, what we had was fun and now it's over."

"But you know I can't do this on my own. I can't find someone else," she whimpered.

"I'd introduce you to a good Dom if that's the problem. I want you to stop contacting me, okay?" He stared at her and she nodded. "I'm going to leave now and you won't do or say anything to stop me. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I understand."

When he was sure that she wouldn't try to kiss him again, he exited the hall and let out a loud groan. He checked his phone to see if Cadee called him but all he found was a missed call from Drey. He called the man back and he answered almost immediately.

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