25|You want to be my boyfriend?

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The following chapter would contain mature themes intended for an 18+ audience. It would also contain mentions of child abuse.


She was finishing her shower when the door opened and Max stepped in. His hands immediately went to her waist and he tugged her close as he wrapped his arms around her. She immediately melted against him as the water sprayed both of them.

"I feel like you're upset about the room," he said into her wet hair. She wasn't exactly upset, just nervous and worried that if she submitted her body totally to him, her stupid heart would follow suit.

"I'm not upset, just processing." She turned in his arms and pulled him down for a kiss. Max forced out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding.

"Which of them bothered you the most? Say the word and it's gone."

"Actually, none. I'm willing to try them before I make up my mind about it." He reached out and shut off the water. "Today was a long day and I'm tired. I guess I'll just go to bed."

"Wait. I wanted to say something to you. I've wanted to say it for a while now but I just kept postponing it."

"What is it?" She looked up into his eyes. The usually warm brown eyes seemed dulled and it didn't hold any glint of the mischief she was used to. His brows were also furrowed as he stared at her.

"Not here. Being naked is distracting me." She nodded then pushed the door open, immediately shaking from the cold air that was blowing in. He grabbed the air conditioning remote and changed the setting before reaching for a towel.

After they were both dry and clothed, he took a seat beside her on the bed. His jaw and shoulders were tight and she reached out to hold his hand. He visibly relaxed before squeezing her hand.

"You can talk to me about anything."

"I wanted to talk about us and me," he said, causing her to go still. She wasn't prepared to end things and with the way he was acting, she was sure that was what he wanted to say.

"What about us?"

"I know you said you didn't want a relationship with anyone. I understand that, really I do. Your last boyfriend was an ass so I get you not wanting to ever be in a relationship." He squeezed her fingers again. "I don't want this anymore."

"What?" She tugged her hand back, her eyes watering in spite of her wishing it not to. "You want to end things?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I don't want this unlabeled complication we have right now. I want something real and defined. I want to be something more than the guy you have occasional amazing sex with."

"What does that mean Max?"

He cringed a little before grabbing her hand again. "I want to be your partner. I want us to be in a relationship with each other. A real one." She bent her head as her shoulders shook. "Are you okay? Have I messed everything up?" He stared at her shaking body, confused and alarmed. Did she detest relationships so bad that the mention of it had moved her to tears?

"Only you, Maxwell Tanner. You're the only person who'd make asking someone to date you look like a break up," she laughed, her shoulders straightening as she turned to look at him. Her eyes were shiny with unshed tears as she laughed again, her throaty sounds warming his heart.

"Now I'm confused," he muttered.

"You said you didn't want to do this anymore like you wanted us to end things. Then you asked me to be your partner in the next breath."

Somewhere In Between (18+)✔️Where stories live. Discover now