23|You guys are intense

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The following chapter would contain mature themes intended for an 18+ audience.

"Baby this is August Bane," Max said as he took a seat beside her. The man was close behind. He went around and took the seat directly opposite hers. "Bane, this is Cadence Singer."

"Pleasure to meet you," August said as he offered his hand. Assuming he was going for a handshake, she stretched out hers. He winked at her before placing a kiss on her knuckles. Her eyes widened as she felt a strange thrill run down her body. There was just something about the tall, handsome man. He had a magnetic pull and she couldn't look away from his blue eyes. Cadee imagined there were hoardes of women throwing themselves at his feet and she could understand why.

She shook her head. "It's nice to meet you. I never imagined Max would have any friends."

August smiled revealing perfect pearly whites and a tiny dimple in his right cheek. What was it about men with dimples that always seemed to weaken her? "I took pity on the tiny thirteen year old who everyone else avoided. Now I'm stuck with him."

"Right, because you had other friends," Max grinned. "Please let go of her hand."

The man looked down at their still joined hands as if he was surprised that he was still holding on to her. She on the other hand, had been heavily aware of his warm fingers wrapped around hers. Her heart seemed to beat in tandem with the thrum of his pulse underneath his thumb. August slowly let go, his gaze not wavering from hers as he said, "I chose to not have friends. You, on the other hand punched anyone who came close to you. People didn't even dare talk to you."

She folded her hands on her lap. "Wait. He was a tiny thirteen year old that people were scared of?" Cadee asked, her eyes wide in wonder. She couldn't imagine the man beside her as anything other than the muscular specimen he was now.

"Yes. A mean teenager. It took months before we stopped beating each other and called a truce," August said.

"Now I'm confused. You guys weren't immediately friends?"

"We actually hated each other. He was taller and bigger than everyone so most people were scared of him. When he came to ask me what my deal was I punched him," Max replied as he reached out to hold her hands. He gently squeezed it and she realized she'd not stopped looking at August since she sat. She shook her head to clear of the daze she'd somehow fallen into.

"And I punched back. It continued for a while till I realized I liked the bastard." August leaned back in his seat, a small smirk on his lips.

"Sixteen years later and he's still here," Max muttered.

"And I'll still be here for another sixteen more, bastard."

"Wow! The chemistry between you guys is-" Cadee sighed and the two of them turned to look at her. She thought she'd melt under their intense stare, with August's blue eyes boring into her face and Max's heated gaze on the left side of her face.

"Is what?" August prompted.

She cleared her throat and turned to Max. "the chemistry between us is what?" Max's eyebrow lifted.

"You guys are intense," she muttered and shook her head. August laughed before picking up the menu in front of him. He lifted a finger and a waiter immediately hurried over, as if he'd been on standby and waiting for that signal.

She reached out to grab the menu then froze as the vibrations started again. Her hand dropped on her as she turned to Max who was focused on his menu.

"I'll have the usual," August said as the waiter jotted down.

Somewhere In Between (18+)✔️Where stories live. Discover now