26|Is it that good? The sex?

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When she was awoken by the obnoxious ring of her phone, she realized that Max wasn't beside her. His side of the bed was made and felt cold to the touch. She sat up and grabbed the now silent phone. After scrolling through her messages from Shannon and Daryl, she hurried out of bed and into the shower. Mrs. Jensen was having a fit about a supposedly wrong order. The wedding was still a few weeks away and they weren't scheduled any deliveries till the eve of the wedding so she didn't understand what the woman was complaining about. The workers were panicking and she had to go check out the situation.

She wished she could spend the morning with Max and make sure he was fine. The night before was a really intense one and she was immensely worried about him. After a record-breaking shower, she got dressed in her clothes from before.

She pulled open a drawer and was grateful that she'd left some underwear here from when she prepared for the charity event the other time. She also found her brand of deodorant and hair products on the dresser. Her lips pulled up into a small smile as she imagined Max looking around her bathroom to get her things that would make her comfortable. Usually, that kind of behavior would have annoyed her but after yesterday night, it only endeared him to her. The man trusted her enough to talk about his past, of course he'd care enough to make sure she was comfortable at his place.

When Cadee was done dressing, she set out to find him, already knowing he'd be at the hidden balcony. She found him sipping coffee and reading something on an iPad. He didn't seem to notice her arrival until she was in front of him. His head slowly lifted from the screen, giving her a quick perusal before breaking into a wide grin. She followed suit, thankful that he seemed okay.

"I missed the sunrise but seeing you here was worth it." He pulled her to sit on his lap, and she followed, straddling him and bunching up her dress in the process. When he pressed a kiss against her lips, she promptly opened to let his tongue inside and was hit with the sweet taste of sugar and cream.

"Good morning," she said when they pulled away.

"Good morning baby. Did you sleep well?"

"I did. What about you?" She tried not to let it show, but from the way his smile dimmed he'd seen the concerned expression.

"I slept fine." His hands tightened on her waist. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you're waiting for me to break and that you want to fight my demons for me."

"I do want to fight for you. You're important to me and seeing you hurt breaks my heart." Her brows furrowed.

"I'm fine. It feels good to know that someone's got my back though." He winked. "so, do I call that someone my girlfriend? We didn't get around to your answer yesterday."

"Hmm," she grinned, cupping his face. "I thought you already knew my answer?"

"I still want to hear you say it."

"Fine," Cadee sighed, trying to maintain a straight face. "I want to be your girlfriend."

"That's my woman." Max pulled her into a kiss and she rocked against where he was beginning to harden.

"I have to get to work. There's a lot to do and I have to avoid the crisis that is angry Mrs. Jensen." She moved to get off him and he reluctantly let her go. "don't wear that face, baby. It's hard to not fall for it as is."

"Is it working? I don't want you to go anywhere. I want you where I can always see you."

"Because you want to fuck me as much as you can?" She winked at him and he gasped in mock horror. When she shot him a look, he grinned.

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