05| Your voice, your face

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Betty's Diner. 11pm.
Sent 10.15pm


Might be a little bit late.
Sent 10.30pm

"So what do I wear?" Cadee asked Bianca who was scrolling through pictures on her social media.

"It's a date, huh?"

"Bee, it's not. I just haven't gone out with anyone recently. The few dates I went on were at five star restaurants and then the other time I went bowling," she frowned.

"Where are you guys going?" Bianca asked, putting her phone away. Cadee tossed her phone to her so she could read the last string of texts between Max and her.

"Ooh. I know this diner. Their food is great and it's very casual."

"That doesn't tell me what to wear, Bee," Cadee groaned, throwing herself down on the bed. Bianca turned to face her and pinched her cheeks gently.

"What would you have worn if you were meeting me?" she asked.

"Jeans and a turtle neck maybe?

"That's casual. Just throw on a strappy sandals and some lipgloss and you're good." She handed Cadee back her phone before sitting up, then began to gather her things to leave and Cadee walked her to the door.

Her hair was already done and she had taken a shower before Bianca showed up, so all that remained was to pull her clothes on and grab her shoes. Her cell vibrated on the bed and she ignored it, putting lipgloss on. She gave her hair one last fluff before grabbing her phone, purse and keys.

She hurried into the elevator just before it closed, smiling at the woman inside who was rocking a baby. The woman smiled back at her as she pressed the button for the ground floor. Her phone rang in her purse and she pulled it, smiling when she saw it was Max. She caught her reflection in the mirrored walls of the elevator and forced her lips to straighten. It was too early to be smiling at getting calls from the man.

"You're not a patient person," she drawled into the phone receiver.

The man let out a breath before saying, "you didn't text back. I was worried you cancelled."

"I'm in the elevator. The cab I called is already waiting for me, so give it thirty minutes and I'll be with you." The doors opened and she jogged out, her hair bouncing with her hurried movements.

"I'll be waiting," he said before ending the call.

She apologized to the cab driver who only shook his head as she got in. The man promptly sped off immediately the doors shut.

"Slow down, dude!"

"S'rry ma'am," he said before decelerating.


Max was frowning down at something on his phone when she slid into the chair opposite him. His eyes slid up slowly, as if it was a struggle to leave what was on his phone. When his gaze locked with her, he blinked a few times before clearing his throat. She smiled widely at him and his eyes immediately dropped to her chest before coming back up. The movement had been quick, but hadn't gone unnoticed. She grinned at that, glad she hadn't worn the turtle neck.

Somewhere In Between (18+)✔️Where stories live. Discover now