03| You're getting engaged?

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Max blinked slowly, taking a few moments to gather his thoughts. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised that the light he'd mistook for the hotel bulbs was sunlight. He had never once in his adult life woken up after the sun. The few times he managed to fall asleep, he was usually up at the wee hours of the morning.

Not only had he slept the entire night, but he had ended up oversleeping. He couldn’t blame it on alcohol because he had not touched his drink before going to meet the gorgeous hooker at the bar. It was unlike him, but he could recall her face and eyes quite well. She also had a lot of hair on her head and he had relished plunging his hands into the soft strands as he pumped into her from behind. Her moans still rang in his head, and she’d been so responsive to his touches.

He didn’t have to turn to know she was no longer in the room. He hadn’t gotten around to paying her last night and was worried she’d made it out with a few of his valuables. Cursing, he sat up in bed and ran a hand through his hair. Her flowery smell still filled the room and he wondered what perfume she used. It was different from the cloying heavy smells he was used to from every other woman he'd been with.

He picked up his black trousers from the floor and searched for his phone and wallet. He found the former and searched the other pockets again but still didn't find the wallet. He cursed soundly again. If she had robbed him, couldn't she have at least left the wallet? It had his identity card and other valuable cards. It also held his credit cards including his Amex Black card.

He brushed his hair away from his face as he stood up. He almost tripped on his belt as he made it to the bathroom. Cursing and staggering for a few seconds, he carefully adjusted himself and made it safely into the bathroom.

“Fuuuckkkk! Oh, fucking hell!" Max let out another string of curses when scalding hot water spewed out from the shower he was sure he set to warm. He checked and saw that he had indeed put it in hot. He adjusted it and grabbed the minuscule shower gel, hoping he wouldn't look pink after his shower.

He was brushing his teeth when his cell started ringing. He hadn't even gotten home and work was already calling. He pulled on his clothes from last night, catching a glimpse of something sparkly beside the nightstand. He bent down to check it and found a diamond-studded earring, along with his missing wallet and a roll of condoms. He grabbed them, confused yet relieved to have his wallet. He checked it and his cards and all the cash were intact. The hooker had left without getting paid and Maxwell Tanner hated to owe anyone. He pocketed his wallet, and the condoms and after a moment’s consideration, he added the earring.

He searched for his car keys that he recalled tossing on the bed. He found it under the pillow Cadee had used and grabbed it, his hand coming in contact with a wrinkled paper.

<Last night was fun, thanks for my first orgasms and the many other firsts. Cadee x>

First orgasms? Many other firsts? What the hell did she mean? Did he have sex with a virgin and not know it? If Cadee was a virgin, did that mean she hadn’t been a hooker? If she wasn’t, then why had she been so brazen? The questions were becoming too much and it seemed the more he thought about it, the more questions that would arise. He knew himself enough to know that he wouldn’t rest till he had figured all these out. Max groaned in frustration as he pocketed the note and headed for the door.


Cadee stared at the man who was still smiling at her. She had never imagined that the first time she had a one-night stand, the said man would find her the next day. He looked taller than before and his eyes were much lighter than the dark, almost brown eyes she had seen yesterday. His hair was messy and covering his forehead and his smile displayed twin dimples. She had only noticed one last night. His name was Max, she recalled.

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