10|I'm a very patient man

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Max was surprised that he'd fallen asleep almost immediately after he had laid beside her. Granted, it had only been for two hours which he could manage on his own. So he blamed it on exhaustion this time, not ready to believe that a human had that effect on him.

He was up now and just in time to watch the sunrise. He opened and shut the bedroom door quietly to not disturb her, then made it to the living room and the balcony beyond it. From this vantage point, he could watch the sunrise and admire the view of the garden and the woods beyond.

The skies darkened from the light pink it was to orange and then brightened before Cadee eventually found him. She had discarded the robe and was in the matching shirt of his pyjamas that he'd left out. She rubbed sleepy eyes and he marveled at how she seemed to find him each time. Especially here. Most people who made it to his home didn't even know the balcony existed because it was through a rather concealed door in the living room and overlooked the east side of his house where there were no outer doors. If you also looked up from the garden, you wouldn't see the enclosed space. Unless you were directly underneath it, finding here would be difficult.

"You're up," he said to his yawning guest. She blinked up at him before giving him a smile that threatened to undo him. He looked away for a few seconds master his breathing.

"Good morning, Max."

"Morning, doll. Did you sleep well?"

"It was very short yet oddly satisfying," she blushed. "I feel loose and relaxed."

"The orgasms would do that," he teased, heightening her blush. She walked forward and took the remaining seat beside him.

"How many hours did you get to sleep? I feel like you have been up for a while."

"Maybe two or three," he said, then watched her nose scrunch up in a small frown. "Don't worry, I'll probably go back to sleep when you leave. I don't have to be at work till later in the day."

"Is it because of me?" she asked, her brows furrowing. Max felt like he could always guess what she was thinking by looking at her. The span of facial expressions the woman possessed ranged wide. He knew that her nose scrunched up when she was frowning in confusion, and that her brows furrowed when she was frowning about something particularly upsetting to her. He also knew that she had different smiles and her brows, eyes, lips, teeth and even her nose partook in those.

"No it's not because of you. I sleep better during the day," he assured her. Her brows smoothed out as she propped her leg on the small table in front of them.

"You have a pretty neat view," she said. "I wouldn't have ever pegged you for a nature guy."

"What does nature guy mean?"

"You love the sunrise and sunset. You have plants in your bathroom, and even have a garden." She was looking at the garden ahead. "from what I can see, it's a garden I'd fall in love with."

"They just make me feel at peace. Plants although stubborn, are relatively easier to control than people."

"Do you feel the need to control people and everything?" Her nose scrunched up. Max took a few seconds to consider the question before sighing.

"No. I don't feel like I need to control people. That would just be asking for headache. What I want to control is how their actions affects me and the situation around me."

She noticed he was still frowning and looked tense, so she dropped the topic. "Did you plant them yourself?" She moved her head forward slightly to indicate the gardens.

"Sadly, no." A small smile played on his lips. "I am not gifted with plants so I have a few gardeners come in every other day. The only plant I managed to keep alive are the ones in the bathroom."

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