21| Is it your vile personality...

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Max watched as August Bane sipped his coffee, black as always. He wondered if the man had an aversion to all things sweet. They were in his office and Anna had left the door slightly opened so he could hear the whirl of copy machines outside, along with the whispers of his employees. Part of him wanted to stand up and shut the door, but he didn't want to give August any inclination that he was uncomfortable.

"What are the sales projection going to look like for the next five years?" August asked, leaning back in his chair.

"You were top of your classes in school and you're pretty good at reading charts. I know you've read through everything there. You wouldn't be here if you didn't," Max drawled. He folded his hands on the desk as he leaned towards the man. "I know you so well, much more than I actually need to know. If you weren't interested, you'd have sent someone else to refuse or be an asshole and text me a simple no."

"It's possible I read it. There's also a chance that I missed my old friend and just wanted to say hi." His face lightened as he closed the folder. "we really should stop meeting like this, Max."

"If you missed me that much, you could have found me sooner."

"Have you been avoiding the club? Or has it finally happened? Does Nina bore you now?" August eyed his friend. Max held the stare, never one to give in first. He silently counted up to ten before August broke it, his eyes lightening up. "Fucker! This is not the time to measure whose dick is longer. You win."

"I always win," Max grinned. "and you really don't need me to answer the other part."

"So what happened? You visit the club at least once a month. It's been what? Three months now? Maybe more?"

"I got busy and Nina had other things to do," Max said.

"So you guys are still together?"

"Actually we're not. I'm seeing someone new. It's been about two weeks now."

August stared at the man in front of him before bursting into laughter. "two weeks! I didn't even know about Nina till after six months. This one must be serious then?"

"Maybe. Its still pretty new so I can't tell."

"You like her?" August asked. Max nodded without even stopping to contemplate the matter. "does she know? That you don't do vanilla? I'm assuming she doesn't, if not you'd have brought her to the club."

"It's a slow process, but she knows. I'm just trying to not scare her off."

August scoffed. "I bet she fell for you the first day you met. You keep reeling them in with that face."

"I actually think you're more handsome, man. So what's the issue? Is it your vile personality that pushes them away?" He eyed the man. And truly, he was handsome. The man had a sculptured face that would have made him millions of he'd ever used it for modelling and acting. He was almost as tall as Max and had the same lean yet muscular build. His eyes were blue, and paired with his blonde, wavy hair, he was certainly quite a catch. He was also very rich and sponsored a lot of charities which made him well known.

"Bastard," August chortled. "I'm perfectly fine with what I've been doing. I'm not ready to settle down." He pushed the folder towards Max and when the dark haired man lifted his brow in confusion, he said, "I already signed it. My coming here was strictly to see you."

"So, you actually missed me," Max grinned.

"I'd like to meet your woman, Tanner. You can bring her to the club. If you think she'd bolt if she sees the activities, we can organize something more calmer for her."

"I think having dinner with you one evening would suffice. I'm not ready to have her run."

August pushed up from the chair. He smoothed out his charcoal grey suit, then held a hand out for his friend to shake. "To another successful business venture," he winked. Max took the hand and shook it. "Let me know when you want that dinner. The club offer also remains."

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