Chapter 2

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"I can't believe she actually had you arrested," Eren says, staring in shock at Ilgaz through the holding cell bars the next morning. "Gül Hanım is savage."

Surprisingly nonplussed for someone who just spent the whole night in lock up, Ilgaz just shrugs. He can't say that he's surprised by this turn of events. In all fairness, she warned him to leave or she'd call the police. It's no surprise that pushing past her to get into her home (a home which she had expressly forbidden him from entering) resulted in this. But at that particular moment, he hadn't cared. At the time, his only imperative was getting to Ceylin.

He spent all night thinking about that and what it means for him. What it means for them. Had he been too hasty in filing for a divorce? Did he really think he would be able to stay away from her? Especially when she was literally crying out for him? The morning has him brought no answers. All he knows is that divorce is clearly not one of them. He'll have to look for a solution elsewhere.

"I needed to get to Ceylin," Ilgaz explains. "She needed me."

"I swear you two are going to drive me crazy," Eren mutters under his breath, as he unlocks the cell. "But for now, you, my friend, are free to go. Your lawyer has settled everything."

"Lawyer?" Ilgaz gives him a confused look, but follows him out of the cell. He stops and laughs when his "lawyer" makes her presence known. He inclines his head to her. "Avukat Hanım."

"I've dreamed of this day for so long, Sayın Savcı," Ceylin teases him. "Me getting you out of prison for once. It's actually kind of refreshing being on the right side of the law. You, Sir, are a bad, bad boy. It took everything in me to talk my mother down from this. She was determined to see you behind bars."

"She can't be happy," Ilgaz says with a wince, realizing what Ceylin was up against.

Ceylin just waves off his concern.

"I can't worry about my mother right now. From what I hear, I owe you," she says with a slightly embarrassed smile. "So, thanks."

The two just look at each other for a full minute. Eren, clearly uncomfortable at being the third wheel, mutters an excuse to leave them.

"You've been in here all night. You must be hungry," she realizes. "Breakfast?"

"With you?" he asks, eyes widening.

"Not if you don't want to," she says quickly. Awkwardly. "I just thought that ... I mean, food ... if you want it ... then we ..."

"Food would be good," he says, stopping her rambling, even though it was beginning to amuse him. "With you it would be better."

He smiles when he sees her do something she's never done before. She blushes. Her cheeks turn a bright pink he's never noticed on her before. No, it happened that one time they went out to eat and both ended up a little drunk. She was so beautiful that night that he couldn't stop himself from telling her. And she had blushed so prettily, making her even more beautiful. They need more nights like that.

Suddenly, an idea forms. This could be just the thing he's looking for. This is the fourth day since the divorce. Eleven more days to appeal before it becomes final. Eleven days to fix what he's broken.

"I know just the place for a great breakfast," he says cryptically. "I'm driving."

She eyes him suspiciously, but decides to go along with his mysterious plans. She gets the strange feeling that this is the most important thing that will ever happen to her. She gets the feeling that her life is about to forever be changed.

~ * ~ * ~

Several hours later, when they finally stop, Ceylin just stares at him. He gives her an innocent look in return.

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