Chapter 7

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"Can't sleep?"

Ilgaz rolls over behind her in the bed and throws his arm over her waist, pulling her to him.

"We're officially parents now," he reminds her. "This might be our last chance to sleep for a while."

It should scare her. But the reminder just brings a smile to her face. The baby is theirs now. They officially have a son.

It had been an incredibly long week. The investigation into the baby's mother's life determined her to have no next of kin. The situation with her step father was worse than anyone anticipated. The man had put the girl out not long after her mother died and she became pregnant. He then immediately remarried and moved the new wife into the home. He refused to have anything at all to do with the girl or the baby. Saddened by the outcome, Ilgaz and Ceylin assured she had a proper burial because it's the least she deserved. But that truly left the baby with no one. And it put Ceylin's dream one step closer to becoming a reality.

At that point, everything had to move quickly. The baby was making amazing strides in his recovery and they needed to be ready to take him home as soon as he was medically released. Otherwise, he risked going into the system, possibly making it harder for Ilgaz and Ceylin to get custody. The first step was appealing the divorce. Instead of waiting until they got back to Istanbul, they made arrangements with a local family court to handle both the divorce appeal as well as guardianship of the baby. Things had gotten tricky at that point and they needed to enlist help from back home. After swearing her to secrecy, Neva became their biggest ally in all their plans. She was key to coordinating all of the necessary paperwork back and forth between the two cities.

Esma was responsible for helping them get the essential baby gear. She and Ceylin had traveled to the nearest baby superstore about an hour away and stocked up on diapers, bottles, formula, and a car seat. Neva had made her promise not to get too much stuff because she's already coordinating a baby shower. Once Ceylin and Ilgaz introduce the baby to their families, Neva will include Aylin in the planning.

So even though it's been a crazy and hectic week, they managed to accomplish everything they need to become a family.

Ceylin rolls over to face Ilgaz, lifting a hand to his cheek.

"I feel like I should be nervous, but I'm not," she confesses. "I'm excited to be able to take him in my arms and never let him go."

"That'll probably be impossible once everyone finds out about him," Ilgaz laughs.

"Neva has already threatened that she's probably going to steal snuggles as much as she can," Ceylin says. "I think she's aiming to be the favorite aunt. She deserves it, though. She's really been great during this whole thing, Ilgaz. I can see why you were in love with her. I think I'm a little bit in love with her myself after this."

Ilgaz laughs until tears fall from his eyes.

"You are such a weirdo," he says between chuckles. "But you're the weirdo I love. I never loved her the way I love you. And I never thought I'd have to say this, but I really hope you can say the same about me."

"I don't know ... red heads are pretty sexy, Ilgaz," Ceylin teases him.

Ilgaz just shakes his head.

"Then I guess I'll have to remind you how sexy I can be."

His lips latch on to her throat, causing her to let out a little moan. His hands join the action underneath the covers and slide into the panties she's wearing. And suddenly she's glad she decided against pajamas. She bites her lip to hold back an even louder moan when his fingers zero in on her heat. In no time at all, she's soaked and trembling with need, practically begging to accept his probing hardness. But he seems to be in the mood to play. To tease. To draw out both their pleasure. He lifts her thigh over his, and fits his hips to hers. He slides through her wetness, getting himself coated before gently easing inside her.

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