Chapter 24

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She hasn't spoken at all for a couple of hours. Ilgaz is starting to worry about his wife. Ceylin doesn't have a 'silent' mode. Not usually. She usually always has something to say. She doesn't have a 'still' mode either. She's usually always filled with energy and life. But she hasn't moved nor said one word since they took his father into surgery and her mother into custody.

Ilgaz still can't believe what happened. But it happened right before his eyes, so there's no way he can ever forget. One minute he was smiling, watching Ceylin fall into his father's embrace. Surprised, yet pleased that the two seemed to have come to some sort of understanding. He felt like maybe he was getting his family back. He felt like maybe they could finally all put the past behind them and move on to a better future. All that changed in a heartbeat. And his dream had suddenly become a nightmare. The flight down the stairs had seemed endless. His father must have hit every single step on the way down. Ilgaz can still hear the sound his body made when it hit the bottom.

Being at the hospital saved his life. His father had been able to get immediate medical care. And when the doctors couldn't get the internal bleeding under control, he had been taken immediately into surgery. Now, all they can do is wait until the operation is over and pray the damage can be repaired.

And throughout it all, Ceylin has barely said a word.

"Are you alright? Do you need anything?" he asks her, stroking a finger down her cheek. He takes her hand into his own. It's cold. Much colder than it should be. "Let me get you some tea and something to eat."

She just blinks, looks up to him, and starts to cry. Silent tears stream down her cheeks and the sight breaks his heart.

"Sweetheart," he sighs, pulling her into his arms. "Don't do this. You're starting to worry me. Look, I'm sorry the police had to take your mother. She's still here in the hospital. Just under police supervision. If you want, I can get you in to see her."

"Are you kidding me right now?" Ceylin asks, pushing him away so that she can stand up. She wraps her arms around herself, almost as if she's trying to create a protective shell. "My mother almost killed your father. How can you even be thinking about her? How can you even stand to look at me? After what she did?"

That's what she's worried about? The idea is so shocking to him. He's even more shocked to realize he's said it out loud.

"How can you not be worried about it? My mother. She almost killed your father. And all because of me," Ceylin continues to sob. "Do you know that your dad pushed me out of the way? That he was trying to protect me? He sacrificed himself for me. He's like this because of me. I can't forgive her or myself for what she's done."

He slowly walks over to her, trying to ignore the pangs of hurt in his heart when she backs away from him. But he keeps pressing on until her back reaches a wall and she has nowhere to go. He captures her face with his hands.

"Don't do this Ceylin. None of this was your fault," he assures her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "It was an accident. A terrible accident. But an accident nonetheless. Nobody here blames you."

He gives her one more kiss before taking her hand and leading her back to her seat.

"You sit here. I'm going to go get you something to eat. You need to feed my daughter."

The mention of their baby makes her smile just a little and it makes his heart lighten. He doesn't like to see her crying and miserable.

"Daughter? You think we're having a girl?" She places her hands on her slightly rounding belly. "I don't get a sense either way yet. But I can already tell this baby takes more after you. He or she has been very well behaved so far."

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