Chapter 23

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Ilgaz can tell by the smell that he is someplace unfamiliar. The last thing he remembers is walking down the street and having the feeling that someone was watching him. Which wasn't an unexpected feeling considering that seemingly half the police force was following him. But he felt as if one particular watcher had nefarious intentions. Which again, wasn't a big surprise. Because he knew he was being targeted by Yekta. He just didn't know when the attack would come. So he hadn't seen it coming. Whatever they did, they had done quickly. And they must have drugged him somehow. Because he's currently alone, nursing a pounding headache, in what looks like an old hotel room. And he has no idea how he got there.

But what he does know is that he probably won't be alone for much longer. This has to be a part of Yekta's plan. The one the photographer told them about. According to the photographer, Yekta wants to stage some disgusting photos to make it look as if Ilgaz is cheating. As if he'd ever look at any woman other than his wife. Let alone touch another woman. But it's hard to refute visual proof like a picture. No matter what, Ilgaz imagines it would have been hard talking his way out of this trap had he gotten caught. He's suddenly thankful for people in this city that are loyal to his grandfather. Truth and justice might not have saved Ilgaz from this. But his grandfather's brand of law and order did. He almost laughs thinking about how shocked Ceylin would be to hear him admit that. And just like that, all he wants is to be done with this and get back to his wife. His family. She's probably worried by now.

At this point, he's not even sure why he agreed to this plan. The last thing he wants to be is in Yekta's clutches. Under his control. At the mercy of his every sick and twisted whim. But that man has terrorized them for far too long. And if this is the only way to get Yekta permanently out of their lives, then Ilgaz will do whatever it takes to keep his family safe.

The door to the dirty little hotel room opens and in walks the man himself. Yekta. Ilgaz snarls at him while struggling against his restraints.

"What's going on? What are you doing here?"

Ilgaz's shock at seeing Yekta isn't feigned. He's truly surprised to see the man here. Ilgaz just assumed Yekta would send someone else to do his dirty work for him.

"Seeing to my problem personally," Yekta says. "Making sure you won't be a problem anymore."

Keep him talking, the voice in his ear says. Ilgaz has a tiny earpiece that is transmitting sound in both directions. Pars is on the other end.

"How am I a problem?" Ilgaz asks him, trying to do as Pars suggested. "What have I done to you to deserve this? And all the other things you've been doing. Don't think I don't know how you were behind my son's kidnapping."

"Was I?" Yekta cackles, that irritating laugh grating on Ilgaz's nerves. But he has to keep it together. He has to get through this.

"You might as well tell me," Ilgaz tries to shrug. But his hands are tied too tightly. Nothing he can't get out of, though. His grandfather taught him more than magic tricks. "Because from what I can see, you have bigger plans for me here today. Bigger than any kidnapping."

"You are smart. But no one has ever accused you of being otherwise," Yekta says, giving Ilgaz a long look. "But you're right. I lose nothing from telling you and gain everything. It's why I'm here. I couldn't resist the look on your face when you see that it's me defeating you. And knowing there's nothing you can do to stop me or prove that I did this."

"People are going to know I'm missing," Ilgaz reminds him. "Especially Ceylin. We never go long during the day without speaking to each other."

"Even better," Yekta says with that annoying laugh again. "Your inexplicable absence will work in my favor. Especially when the news prints photos of what you were doing during that time. Or maybe I should say, who you were doing."

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