Chapter 18

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"Why won't they tell me anything?" Ilgaz asks. He had gotten to the hospital hours ago and has yet to see Ceylin. He feels like he's losing what little grip he has left on his sanity. Every time he asks someone, they will only tell him that they're running tests. But no one will tell him where she is. "I just need to see her. I need to know she's okay."

"Calm down, Dove." Esma pats him on the back to try to sooth him. "I know this is frustrating, but we need to let the doctors do their job."

He doesn't remember calling Esma. He doesn't remember calling anyone, actually. But he was so glad to see her when she and Ibo walked in about half an hour after he did. The rest of his family had been right behind them. But he has long since sent them home. He doesn't have time to navigate the tricky emotional minefield that comes with nearly all interactions with them these days. He appreciates them wanting to be there for him. But it's best for now that they just stay away.

"I need to see her," he says again, desperation clouding his voice. "She needs to know I'm here."

Esma just nods and gives him one more comforting pat before going to the desk where a nurse sits. She lowers her voice to make sure Ilgaz can't hear her.

"Nurse, we've been here for hours now," Esma starts. "This man just wants to know his wife is okay. When will he be able to see her?"

The nurse gets a sympathetic look on her face when she looks over at Ilgaz.

"Listen, I'm truly sorry about this. But there isn't anything we can do at the moment. All I can say is that there were some questions and concerns the doctor had regarding the patient's bloodwork and he's waiting on the Savcı in charge of the case to get here."

"Concerns?" Esma asks, now confused. "What kind of concerns? Why not talk to her husband? He's right here."

The nurse just shakes her head.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry. I can't say anything more."

Esma gives her a frustrated glare, but realizes that this woman is also just doing her job. No need in making it harder for her. She turns to go back to where Ilgaz is, trying to think about what to tell him when the doors open to her salvation. She won't have to tell him anything at all.

"Pars Savcı," she says, relieved to see him. "Thank goodness you're here."

"Esma Hanım," he nods politely at her. "How's Ceylin doing?"

"We don't know," she shrugs. "They won't tell us anything. Ilgaz is beside himself. The doctor says he has concerns and he's waiting on you. Why wouldn't he just talk to Ilgaz?"

An unreadable look crosses his face, but Esma can tell Pars is thinking something unpleasant. He lets out an annoyed sigh.

"Where is Ilgaz?"

She points down the hall to where Ilgaz is sitting, still clutching Asen's snuggle toy in his hands. He doesn't seem willing to let the thing go. Pars thanks her and heads that direction.

"Savcı," Pars calls out. When he doesn't answer, he gets a little closer and gently lays a hand on Ilgaz's arm and calls his name, his tone more a concerned friend now. "Ilgaz."

"Pars? What are you doing here?"

"Checking in on our girl, of course," Pars jokes, trying to get Ilgaz to at least crack a smile. But it doesn't work.

"They won't let me see her," Ilgaz says sadly. "I just want to make sure she's okay."

"The doctor wanted to speak with the person in charge of Ceylin's case," Pars explains, letting Ilgaz figure out the rest on his own. Ilgaz gives him a confused look before realization sinks in.

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