Chapter 5

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When they wake the next morning, the storm is over. And they realize they should probably be getting back to real life soon. They both pretty much just ran off, without any concern for what they left behind. Ilgaz did call and arrange to get a couple of days off of work and Ceylin sent Aylin a message telling her not to worry. But that hasn't stopped other messages from coming in, everyone wondering when they're coming back. They've been ignoring them for the most part. But it's time to get home.

After breakfast, they pack up their things to move back into the cabin for one last night. Ceylin never had a chance to get back into town for the souvenirs she wanted to get for her family, so that's what they planned to do that day. Then one last quiet evening together before it's time to head home. Ceylin sighs, again wishing they could extend this holiday.

"We'll come back," Ilgaz promises, dropping a quick kiss to her temple before getting their bags.

She gives him a sad smile as they head downstairs. They run into Esma and Ibo.

"Stop being stubborn, Old Man," Esma scolds, turning a stern glare Ibo's way. "The bridge is washed out, so you know it's going to take them a bit longer to get out this way. They'll check those cabins when they get here."

"Or, I can check them now and be done with it," Ibo insists, causing Esma to let out an annoyed huff.

"Please talk some sense into him," Esma begs Ilgaz and Ceylin, who are trying to contain their amusement. The older couple is adorable, even when they bicker like this.

"What's going on?" Ilgaz asks.

"We need to check some of our more remote cabins for storm damage," Ibo explains. "But my usual crew is delayed."

After a few more minutes of Ibo and Esma disagreeing, they finally agree that all four of them would go to check the cabins. Ilgaz there to look out for Ibo, and the ladies there to look out for their men. Although, they make it seem as if they just don't want to stay alone at the main house. Ilgaz just hides a smile because Ceylin isn't fooling him at all.

Instead of going back to the cabin, Ilgaz puts their bags into the car and then follows Ibo in his truck into the woods.

"You okay?" he asks Ceylin when she lets out a yawn. "Did you sleep okay last night?"

"I did after you actually let me get to sleep," she teases him.

They had had to be quiet the previous evening, not wanting to disturb their hosts. But one goodnight kiss turned into two. And before she knew it, they were both naked and more than ready.

She had gasped when he slid deep inside. With a laugh, he covered her mouth and told her to try to be quieter. But she just sucked one of his fingers into her mouth and twirled her tongue around the tip, causing him to let out his own groan. As payback, he began moving with a slow and steady pace that had kept her right on the edge.

"Harder," she had begged. "Faster."

But every time she felt victory almost within her reach, he'd slow down again, changing their position to start the build up from anew.

"Ilgaz," she had practically sobbed as her body began to tremble non stop from being so close for so long. But at the same time, she didn't want the delicious pounding she loved to end. She didn't want to lose that feeling of being stuffed so full that she sometimes wondered how he even fit.

He finally hits the spot she needs and her inner muscles begin to quiver, clamping down on him and squeezing him tight. It was like a switch had been flipped in him. He hitches her legs up a little higher around his waist and gives her the harder and faster she had been begging for. His rhythm completely lost at this point, he frantically slams into her while she can only claw at his back and hold on for dear life. She feels a scream rising up as white hot lights burst behind her eyes. Just as she's about to let go, Ilgaz crushes his mouth to hers and swallows her sounds as pleasure overtakes them both.

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