Chapter 12

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It's been two long weeks, but the day has finally arrived for Ceylin's plan to come to fruition. They managed to move up Çınar's trial date based on the evidence found on Serdar's phone. But that video will be their secret weapon. No one but a few select people know that Çınar will be walking out of this room a free man while Serdar takes his own place before the throne of judgment. Ceylin can't wait to see the look on Yekta's face when this all blows up on him.

She looks around the courtroom and sees that her mother is there. Ceylin hopes the woman understands. This isn't about making Çınar pay, especially for a crime he didn't commit. This is about punishing the person who took her father away from her. And that person is Serdar. Hopefully when her mother sees the truth for herself, she can release some of the hate and anger she has towards Ilgaz and his family. Maybe she can finally allow herself to hold her own grandson. It's one of Ceylin's biggest wishes for her mother to get that kind of peace and healing.

Knowing how everything will play out, Ceylin spends most of the trial watching everyone else in the courtroom. Her mother gasps when she watches the footage of Zafer kidnapping Çınar and holding him at gunpoint. She never believed it happened, that her father actually had every intention of killing Çınar. But now she's seeing it with her own eyes, so she'll have to believe. She watches Yekta when Serdar is brought into the courtroom to give his testimony. He has no idea what's coming. After Serdar spews his lies, they start the video, pausing it on the part where Serdar stands over the bodies, gun in hand. For the first time, Yekta starts to look nervous and unsure. He knows what comes next.

To Ceylin's surprise, he requests a break and the judge allows it. And now Ceylin starts to get nervous. She was hoping the threat of the video would force Serdar to confess to Yekta's part in the whole thing. That's not what happens unfortunately. After the break, Yekta announces he's no longer Serdar's lawyer. The rest of the video is played, causing Çınar to be exonerated. But to Ceylin's dismay, Yekta manages to escape justice by separating himself from Serdar just in time. Serdar, suddenly without a lawyer, is smart for once in his life and says nothing until one can be appointed to him. He's arrested and taken to jail until his own trial.

A partial victory, but a victory nonetheless. Çınar is free to go, his time served, along with community service for the next five years as his punishment. Metin's trial was earlier that week, and he managed to avoid any jail time. But he did lose his job, benefits, and pension. He'll never be able to work in law enforcement again. But Serdar, the actual killer, will pay for his crimes. And for now, that's enough for Ceylin. Forgiveness and healing won't happen immediately, but for the first time in a long time, it all seems possible.

"What kind of games are those people playing? How did they use their power once again to keep that boy from paying for his crimes?"

Her mother's questions throw cold water on the mental victory lap she's taking.

"What do you mean, Anne? You saw the videos. You saw what really happened," Ceylin tries to explain. But Gül isn't hearing it.

"Those people are shameless," Gül says, her voice starting to get louder and louder. "Shameless, I say. And even if you are content to let them get away with this, I refuse to. They will pay, Ceylin Kaya. If it's the last thing I do."

The way her mother said 'Kaya' was like a slap to Ceylin. And it takes her back to the day so long ago when her father put her out. Her mother had slapped her then, too. This felt just like that.

"Anne," Ceylin tries again, reaching out to her mother. But again, Gül isn't hearing it.

"No, Ceylin," she says, backing away with her hands up. "They've tainted you. They've fooled you. Come back to your senses, and then we can talk."

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