Chapter 22

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"He's expecting pictures. I can't hold him off much longer."

Merdan Kaya stares at the man standing before him. Two weeks ago, this man had come to him, almost quaking in fear. Ever since his great grandson's kidnapping, Merdan realized the world he used to rule had gotten out of his control. Before he went to prison, no one would have dared do anything like this to someone who carried his name. But he's been out of prison for a while now. It's time these kids realized once again who was really in charge. He's been actively searching for anyone who had the nerve to get involved with Yekta and the kidnappings. Word of his search has gotten around. People are starting to fear him again. This man included. Yekta may have hired him, but he now takes his orders from Merdan.

"He wants me to keep following your prosecutor grandson and take pictures of him alone with a working girl he's hired."

Trying to ruin his life, Merdan figures. Fortunately this photographer came to Merdan two weeks ago when he got the assignment from Yekta. Merdan was able to warn Ilgaz to never be caught alone. So the photographer has not been able to catch him in a compromising situation. The whole thing is sneaky and underhanded. And quite beneath someone like Merdan Kaya. But it's just the sort of thing Yekta Tilmen would do. But Merdan won't allow any of it. Not when his family is at stake.

"Keep doing what you're doing," Merdan orders the photographer. "And wait for my call. This will all be over soon."

Yekta and Merdan have had a sort of agreement for years. Merdan minds his business and Yekta minds his own too. They mutually agreed to stay out of each other's way. But Yekta has gone too far this time. He's messing with Merdan's family. And Merdan won't stand for it. He is going to make Yekta wish he had never been born.

~ * ~ * ~

The excuse they give is that this is a half birthday celebration for the soon to be six month old Asen. But the real reason for the gathering is as a secret planning session for what Ceylin likes to call Operation Cobra Strike. They all know if Yekta gets even a hint of what they're up to, this plan would fail. He's meticulous. He's smart. And he seems to know everything that happens almost before it even happens. So secrecy in this case is key. This party for Asen is the only excuse they can come up with for gathering the key players in a location outside of the courthouse or police station. Nothing stays a secret there.

Esma and Ibo already left to go back to their inn, so they won't be in attendance. They needed to get back and get things prepared for the upcoming heavy tourist season. They hired a couple of new employees that they needed to make sure were trained properly. Employees that will be able to handle the running of things on their own soon enough. The business may be Esma and Ibo's livelihood, but they are reaching the age where they don't want it to be their life. They want to be able to visit Asen, their children, and their other grandchildren more often. Ceylin was sad to see them go, but she knows she'll see them again. She's grateful they've become surrogate parents for both her and Ilgaz.

But it was at that point that Ceylin realized they also needed to find a way to live peacefully with their actual parents. Her mom is at a place where Ceylin hopes she'll get the help she needs. But Ilgaz's father is right here. He's living his own kind of pain. Guilt has become his prison. Ceylin realizes that her anger has long since passed. She actually feels sorry for him now. And she's sorry she hasn't done more to help him forgive himself. They're all going to need to be on the same page if they plan on working together to take down Yekta. They'll need to be able to work together without all the awkwardness if they want this plan to work. But she doesn't know how to help that.

She's just putting out the last of the party food when llgaz walks into the kitchen, phone in his hand, a scowl on his face.

"Dede called," he tells her. "The photographer is still following me, trying to catch me with my pants down, so to speak. This is so humiliating and disgusting. Like I would ever do something like that to you!"

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