Chapter 26

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"So, Mom and Dad. Do you want to know the sex of the baby?"

Ceylin turns her head to look at Ilgaz. She sniffs as he wipes a tear off of her cheek. These ultrasound appointments always make her cry.

"I mean, if you want to be proven wrong, then go ahead," he teases. "We both know I'm right about my daughter."

She just shakes her head, but she can't keep the smile off her face.

"My son begs to differ," she says, turning to look at the screen. "Don't you, Oğlum. Your daddy is being silly thinking you're a girl."

Truth be told, she's just messing with Ilgaz. She's fairly certain they're having a girl, too. So much so that she couldn't resist buying the cutest little bib the other day that said 'Mama's Mini Me.' But this back and forth has been too much fun. And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what they have. Boy or girl. She just prays for a healthy baby. At the end of the day, they're both going to be ecstatic just taking their child into their arms and loving on him or her.

"I could tell you now," the doctor offers. "And then one of you can have bragging rights for the rest of the pregnancy."

"How about we let it still be a surprise for now," Ceylin suggests, not wanting to end her fun. "If we change our mind later, we'll let you know."

"Whatever she says," Ilgaz adds.

The doctor nods and prints out a few of the images for them to take him. She gives Ceylin a towel to clean off her belly. Ilgaz takes it and gently wipes away the gel.

"Everything is looking good and on schedule," the doctor reports. "Mom is doing a great job taking care of Baby. Keep up the good work. We'll see you again in about a month."

The doctor leaves and Ilgaz helps Ceylin off the table so that she can get dressed. He drops a kiss to the top of her head.

"I'll be at the desk getting you all checked out," he says, leaving her to finish.

When she joins him, he's looking through the ultrasound pictures with a huge smile on his face.

"I don't mean to brag, but my daughter is a beauty," he says, the awestruck look in his eyes making her heart burst. "And she's sucking her thumb. I didn't know they did that at this stage."

"I didn't know they even had fingers at this stage, let alone that they sucked them," she admits. "I'm learning so much about babies now that we're growing one of our own."

"Well you're a natural," he praises her. "The doctor says she's happy and healthy and that you're doing an amazing job. Not surprising. You're a great mother, Ceylin. Asen adores you and I'm sure this baby will too."

She just shakes her head, willing herself not to cry. He can be so sweet sometimes. No, all the time. He's always so sweet. She really lucked out when he married her.

"Let's get out of here," she says, taking his hand. And adding in her head, "Before I'm a pile of mush, melted from your sweet words."

They just barely make it out of the doctor's office when they run into Eren. Ceylin figures he must be there to see Ilgaz because she can't think of a reason he'd be visiting her OB/GYN's clinic.

"Eren," she calls to him, sending him a huge smile. "Please tell me you are not here to steal my husband."

"I am, unfortunately," Eren nods, giving them a weak smile that doesn't reach his eyes. Ceylin instantly goes on alert. She squeezes the hand that's holding Ilgaz and the other flies to her belly.

"What happened?" she asks, rubbing circles on her stomach as if to draw comfort from it. "Something is definitely the matter."

"I have to bring you in, Ilgaz," Eren says apologetically. "Yekta was nearly killed last night. And now that he's awake, he's blaming you."

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