Chapter 15

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"Come right home after work. I have a surprise for you."

Ceylin just smiles at the message Ilgaz sent to her phone. He added a picture of Asen splashing around in the bathtub. Like with most things, the little boy loves bath time. He loves everything. They got lucky with such a happy baby. Being at work today was good, and it was good to get away and talk to adults for a while. But she really missed hanging with her son all day. And she can't wait to get back home to him.

The original plan had been to take him to Makbule for her to watch him while Ceylin was in her client meeting. And even though Ceylin wasn't happy about it after what happened at the party the day before, she didn't feel like there was another option. Plus, Ceylin would probably get accused of trying to keep Asen from the Kayas and that's one sin she didn't need added to the long list of sins Makbule has already compiled. To keep the peace, she was going to drop off Asen, business as usual.

But Ilgaz had surprised her.

"I told you yesterday," he had said. "Enough is enough. They're not going to treat you the way they treat you and still expect me to act like normal. I'm not going to let anyone disrespect you, Ceylin. When they want to come to our home and act like decent human beings to you, then they can see Asen. We'll figure out child care. We shouldn't have become so reliant on them to take care of Asen for us anyway. We can look into a nanny or something. As for your meeting tomorrow, we'll work something out for that as well."

So instead of taking Asen to Makbule, Ilgaz had stayed with him. Özge brought him files he needed and he worked from home. But Ilgaz is right. They'll need to look into a nanny eventually. This arrangement may have worked out fine today, but they need to be prepared for a time when maybe it won't be such an easy fix. A nanny would help with that. Not a full time nanny, not just yet. Ceylin isn't ready to hand over her son just yet. But for days like today, a nanny would be good. Even if only to have someone to watch Asen while they're working from home.

Traffic was surprisingly light for Istanbul, so she got home quickly. She pulls up to the house, walks to the door, and goes inside, not sure what to expect from Ilgaz. As well as she knows him, he has no idea what his idea of a surprise could be. Not seeing him when she walks in, she calls out to him. Maybe he's not even at home. But why would he tell her to come straight home if he had no plans to be here? No, he must be here.


No answer. But she hears a squeal from upstairs that makes her laugh. Asen has recognized her voice and is excited she's home. She heads up there to hug her guys. She stops in the doorway to the nursery when she sees a woman standing over Asen's crib.

"Esma abla?"

The woman holds her arms out and Ceylin runs into them. She sinks into the cuddle when the woman hugs her even tighter. She's missed this. She's missed having someone to love her in this kind of way. The way her mother should be doing. Even though her mother is just a few streets away physically, she's been so emotionally distant that she hasn't even hugged Ceylin in ages. It's been Esma that Ceylin has called when she had questions about being a mother. It's been Esma who has assured Ceylin that it may be hard now, but that it will get better. It's been Esma who has been super supportive throughout all parts of the adoption process. And it's Esma here now spending this precious time with Asen. It's Esma doing all the things her mother simply refuses to do. But instead of being sad about her mom, Ceylin will be grateful. Grateful for someone like Esma. And even more grateful for a husband like Ilgaz for realizing Ceylin needed Esma right now. Clearly this was the surprise he hinted at.

"How did you two manage to work this out without me even having a clue?" Ceylin asks, moving over to the crib to get Asen. She presses a kiss to his cheek as he gets comfortable in her arms.

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