Chapter 10

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It's the next day before Eren and Pars can come over. Having missed his family so much the previous day, Ilgaz opts for working from home. And with someone to watch the baby, Ceylin decides to go to her office to pick up files so that she can also get some work done from home. They're probably going to have to redecorate a bit and include a small office for the two of them to share at the house. Especially until Asen gets a bit older and she's comfortable having someone watch him or she's able to take him with her to her office.

Ilgaz had made arrangements with Eren to help Ceylin with her files. After she packed up whatever files she needed, Eren was there to take the boxes to her car and then follow her back to the house. Pars was in court that morning, but he promised to meet them when he had time. As it turns out, they all managed to meet up at the house around lunch time.

"Come on, Kraliçe. Just one hint," Eren begs as he follows behind Ceylin towards the house. Neither she nor Ilgaz told them anything about the baby. They wanted him to be a surprise. Ceylin continues to keep her mouth shut, just a small, cryptic smile on her face.

"It's clear they've remarried," Pars points out, approaching them from his own car. "They're both wearing rings now."

Pars grabs the box that Ceylin is carrying and they all walk to the house. Ilgaz is waiting for them at the front steps.

"The jig is up," Ceylin teases as she tips up to give Ilgaz a quick kiss. "They're too smart for us. They realize we're still married."

Ilgaz just smiles and welcomes their friends inside.

"I hate you so much," Ceylin mutters under her breath when she looks around the house. It's spotless. Immaculate, even. Plus, lunch is ready. "How in the world did you manage this? I couldn't get anything done yesterday."

She gives Ilgaz a side eye glance until he breaks.

"Aylin came by earlier," he confesses. "I guess she thought you'd be here. She stayed and helped quite a bit. It's really so much easier with more than one set of hands."

"Cheater," she grumbles. Ilgaz just laughs. He takes her hand and presses a kiss there.

"Have a seat, guys. I'll get the drinks so that we can toast our good news," Ilgaz says.

"I'll go change my clothes and bring ... the surprise," Ceylin adds mysteriously.

"So this is the new house," Eren says, looking around. "I'm glad you two were able to work things out. I'm glad you were finally able to get here."

"Truly. I was heartbroken when you two divorced," Pars admits, putting his hand over his chest. "Don't do that to me anymore."

"It was a near thing," Ilgaz sighs. He places a tray of drinks on the table and sits on the couch across from them. "I really thought it was over. Even as much as we loved each other, I didn't see how it was going to work out. But in the end, we decided that it didn't matter what happened with everyone else. Us being together is all that's important. We'll figure everything else out as it comes along. Besides, we have other things on our minds these days."

His smile returns when he sees Ceylin coming down the stairs, their precious bundle in her arms. He rises and moves across the room to stand with Ceylin, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Asen, sweetie. Meet your uncles," Ceylin gently coos. "Uncles, meet our son."

A sharp gasp comes from both Eren and Pars. Pars, unfortunately mid sip of his beverage, chokes as the liquid goes down the wrong way. Eren absentmindedly pats him on the back.

"A baby?" Eren asks, somehow needing to clarify. But the look of pure joy on his face covers any shock and confusion.

"When? How? Clearly you ..." Pars says awkwardly, pointing towards Ceylin's middle. "I mean ... how did this come about?"

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