Chapter 8

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They get home and get settled fairly easily. Even though Ceylin had settled into the home earlier on her own, she had done so leaving room for Ilgaz. His clothes had a space in the wardrobe. His toiletries, a place on the bathroom counter. Once they unloaded the car and got the baby fed, bathed, and put to bed, Ilgaz went home and got more of his things to make himself at home. It was late, so he didn't run into his family. Which was a good thing because he'd rather keep his new little family a secret for now.

Ceylin sent a message to Aylin to let her know she was back. But she begged her sister to give her some time before seeing anyone. She also wanted to keep Ilgaz and the baby a secret from her own family for a little while. They all need to get used to each other and the house and living together. Her mother would just cause confusion. And right now, Ceylin just needs peace.

The first night with the baby was fairly uneventful. But also fairly sleepless. It seemed that as soon as they all would get settled, the baby would start crying. Then they'd go through the feeding, changing, and rocking procedure all over again. But then there were the times when he was quiet. Almost too quiet. And Ceylin would find herself hovered over him to make sure he was still breathing.

So needless to say, she was dragging the next morning. And was even more surprised when she woke to find both Ilgaz and the baby gone from the bedroom. She scrambles out of the bed in a panic and runs downstairs.

"Ilgaz!" she calls out, only to be met by him gesturing with his finger to his lip.

"Günaydın," he says softly. "I just got him to sleep."

She peeks into the bassinet that Ilgaz has set up in the living room and smiles at how peaceful he looks. Like a little angel. She gently strokes a finger down the baby's cheek before following Ilgaz into the kitchen where he's preparing breakfast. She offers him the same adoring smile she had for the baby.

"My hero." She wraps her arms around him and burrows her cheek into his chest. "Baby duty and breakfast duty. As soon as he learns how to sleep for longer than 20 minutes at a time, you will be getting so lucky."

"Oh really? How lucky?"

She rises to her toes to give him a kiss and a preview of just how lucky he'll be getting. They sway to the soft music Ilgaz has playing. She made sure she bought a record player when she was furnishing the house. Another one of those things she did just for him. In her heart, she knew they'd end up like this someday, enjoying quiet breakfasts and lazy morning kisses and dances in their kitchen. The baby is a bonus. The baby is the icing on the cake.

"Are you ready to eat now, or would you rather try to get some more rest while he's asleep?" Ilgaz asks her, turning back to tend to the sausage he's cooking.

"Breakfast smells amazing and I'm starving," she says, reaching to pluck up one of the olives from the tray he already has on the table. "I'll just go take a shower and then we can eat."

She peeks in on the baby one more time before running back upstairs.

Ilgaz is just finishing with the sausage when the banging on the door starts. The doorbell rings a couple of times before the banging starts again.

"Ceylin Erguvan, open this door immediately, young lady."

Ilgaz freezes. Gül Hanım. He closes his eyes and lets out a frustrated sigh. The woman is challenging, that's for sure. And he thought they'd have a few more days of wedding bliss before having to deal with her. But it looks like their time has run out. She's here right now and he has to figure out what to do. He could go up and get Ceylin and let her deal with her mother while he hides out of sight. But when she starts banging on the door some more, he fears she's about to wake the baby. He's realizes he's going to have to face her himself.

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