Chapter 9

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Three days after they arrive home, they feel they're finally getting a battle rhythm down for dealing with the baby. They have also decided on a name for him: Asen, part of his birth mother's name. They wanted him to have some connection to her if years down the road he asks about her. They don't want her, or her brave efforts to save his life, to be forgotten.

It's been nearly two weeks since Ilgaz has been to work, so the plan is for him to go in today while Ceylin stays home with the baby. Then once the baby goes in for his one month check up, Ceylin will start taking him to her office with her. Ceylin may not be traditional in other things, but this is one tradition she'll abide by. Asen had a rocky start in life. She just wants to keep him as safe as possible for as long as possible. If that means staying home with him for longer than most people do these days, then she'll do it.

Ceylin and Ilgaz are moving around the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast when they hear a light knock at the door. Neither are expecting company, so neither have any idea of who it could be. They go together, and both are surprised to see Aylin and Parla standing on the other side. Ilgaz gives Ceylin a knowing smile, and then steps out of the way to let the ladies in.

"I told you your family would come around, My Love," he whispers to Ceylin when he notices she's trying to hold back her tears. "They love you. Just as much as I do."

"We had to sneak out," Parla confesses with a sly giggle. "We told Anneanne there was a parent teacher conference. But I want to see the baby! Where is he? Anne said he's super cute."

"We think he is," Ceylin says, winking at her niece. She takes the girl's hand and leads her across the room to where the bassinet is set up. "But I'll let you be the judge."

Parla gasps and her eyes go wide at the sight of him. It's like she really didn't believe there was a baby, even after what her mother told her.

"He's tiny," Parla whispers. "And so precious, Teyze. I'm going to come over every day after school just to cuddle him."

"You're both always more than welcome," Ilgaz says with a genuine smile.

He motions with his head to get Aylin's attention without Ceylin noticing. Aylin gives him a strange look, but follows him into the kitchen.

"I have a favor to ask," he starts, his voice low so Ceylin won't overhear. "Do you think you can check back in on Ceylin and the baby later, after your school thing with Parla? I have to go to work and I feel terrible leaving her alone with him."

He looks guiltily out into the living room and shakes his head.

"I should just stay home, shouldn't I? I should just call in and take off another week... right?"

Aylin is trying to hold back her smile at her precious brother in law. She spotted the rings on both of their fingers, so she knows she's not talking out of turn. They either stopped the divorce or they quickly remarried. She'll have to get the full story from Ceylin later. Whatever happened, they both made the right decision. It's clear how much they love each other. How much they belong together.

"Ceylin will be fine," Aylin assures him. "The baby will be fine."

"Is he trying to get out of going to work again?" Ceylin says as she walks into the kitchen, surprising them both. "I told you, Ilgaz. We'll be fine. You're just going to be gone for a few hours. You don't have to feel guilty for leaving me."

"He asked if I could stay with you for a bit," Aylin admits.

"That actually is a good idea," Ceylin readily agrees. "I'd love that. You're so smart, Kocacığım."

She pats him on the cheek and then reaches past him for one of the bottles on the counter.

"Baby is awake. Parla is going to feed him."

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