Goku x reader [Requested] [2]

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Tomorrow was the big tournament and I was beyond nervous for this tournament, even with all of the training I still haven't unlocked ultra instinct and I was beginning to worry. Maybe I have already reached my power limits and I can't get any stronger than I already am and it just makes me sad that I couldn't get any stronger to protect my family and friends within the tournament.

Right now I was sitting under a tree thinking about what kind of moves I should be using against the other's we will be fighting; but it was hard to figure that out when you barely knew anything about the other's in the tournament, what kind of moves they had? Were they powerful? Or had some kind of mega move? Many thing's could go wrong in this tournament and that worried me.

None of my moves I was thinking of seemed strong enough to use as I thought about this longer as the clouds just passed me as I zoned out into my own little worried world.

"What are you worried about?" Goku's voice broke my thoughts when I looked up at him as he looked down at my face.

"Who says I'm worried?" I said trying to play it off like I wasn't worried about anything.

"Y/N we've known each other since childhood I think I know what worried looks on my wife's face" he smiled brightly at me as he sat down next to me making me smile a little myself as well.

"I'm just worried about the tournament tomorrow, I mean many thing's can happen in those fights and I just don't know what to do. We don't even know what kind of people we'll be facing in the tournament" I sighed as I sat up wrapping my arms around my legs as my chin laid on my knees.

"I know but it'll also be fun to fight new people and learn new moves as we fight" Goku looked at the bright side with his big smile still on his face.

"Yeah it'll be fun, but I just don't want anyone to get hurt on our team" I smiled back a little but looked at the ground with my worried face coming back as I did.

Goku surprised me a bit when he gave my forehead a kiss which made me smile warmly and blush a bit when he placed his forehead against mine having our eyes looked at each other.

"Everything will be alright, I promise we will win the tournament; we've won so many other battles together and I know we will win this one together" he said with a warm smile on his face.

"We did get through some tough ones" I smiled and chuckled a bit remembering the many fight we went through to get to this point with just each other and to become stronger together forever.

"So we will both do our best in the tournament" Goku smiled brightly again which always brightened my mood any time I felt down about something.

"Sounds like a plan" I said with just the same big smile on my face.

Goku chucked a bit before giving me a kiss on the cheek that made me blush a little bit like always, he also had to riffle my hair which made me laugh as I playfully pushed his hand away from my hair that I had to straighten out now.

"Shall we head back home before the tournament?" he asked when he stood up from the grass we were sitting on.

"Sounds like a great idea, I'll cook all your favorites" I said with a warm smile on my face.

He smiled big time knowing I was going to cook his favorites back home, holding out his hand to me I gladly took it in my hand letting him help me stand up from the ground underneath me; still holding our hands together we began to walk home enjoying the nice breeze that blew around us letting us just enjoy our time together and relax time before the big tournament began and I had a feeling that everything was going to be interesting in the tournament once it begun and we were going to have a blast fighting these new people to get stronger together and win together.  

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