Goku x Oc [P3] [reuqest]

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Now that she erased the merged zamasu, Tenma saw Goku and his friends ride at the time machine going back at the time present to meet Bulma and the others again to tell them the good news (Don't skip that they talk about Tenma's amazing strength and powers while riding the time machine.) And it the time machine vanished into thin air. The time has come Tenma will go back to her home world, she raises her crystal heart angel to give a command. 

"Take me home" she commanded the crystal to take her back home with a small smile on her face.

The pink vortex has appeared in front of her and step inside. The pink vortex appeared at her front door glass closet at Tenma's room she got out of the portal entering back at her room and the portal vanished. Her tail was still attached to her so as her Saiyan or deity powers she wouldn't mind of it so decided to keep it a secret wouldn't let her friends know about it or they'll be freaking out. She yawned stretching her arms she was really tired transformed into master ultra instinct takes a lotta energy to fight merged zamasu amusing. She decided to go to the mall with her friends hanging out or shopping for fun then she can come back to dragon ball world again tonight. Tenma took of her black sports clothes, sunglasses, black bandana and black mast for her mouth, wrapped herself with a towel, headed straight at the bathroom, turned on the faucet, get a bubble bottle soap to make a warm bubble bath then relaxed herself hop on it.  After she take a bath in minutes, she wears her bathrobe and put a tower on her head pulled the cork to drain the bubble waters. Went inside her room put on her pajamas grabbed her cellphone call her friends.

"Bout time you called thought you fell off the world or something" the voice her friend who picked up in a flash said to her.

"Sorry I was busy with a few things, by the way do you and the gang want to hang out at the mall tomorrow?" she spoke with a small smile before asking about the mall idea that was in her head.

"Sure, then maybe you can tell us why you vanished for who knows how long" her friends agreed, she could tell they were raising their brow and maybe giving off some sort of smirk wanting to know what was going on.

She agreed before saying her goodnight to her friend, after that she went to bed going to sleep. On the next morning, she cooks her own breakfast and eat then she watches T.V watching her favorite morning channel; when it's almost afternoon, she's ready to go to the mall visiting her friends. Tenma hurry goes at her bedroom dress up herself, her sling bag and never forget her heart crystal wings keep it inside her bag she forgot about her tail she decided to wrap around her waist hiding inside her pants so that nobody would see it. Then she's ready to go. She hops on inside her car and started the ignition to drive towards the mall where her friends are waiting. Now that she's here, Tenma would park her car then went inside the entrance to find the food court. She finally found them all three of her friend's wave and yell her name to get her attention she squeals in happiness run towards them and form a group hug. All four will sit down at the table with bunch of food they ordered and started to have a friendly chat. 

"Did you guys catch up on the latest dragon ball episode?" one of them asked as they walked around the mall.

" I did it was amazing!" Tenma giggled with excitement with a big smile on her face not to mention the memory of what happened was still fresh in her mind.

"I would have but I was study up on this new promotion spot, at work so I didn't have time to catch up" her other friend sighed when she missed the episode, they were speaking about.

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