Goku x Reader [Requested] [p1]

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[a/n: sorry this took forever and hopefully I understood the request, enjoy] 

It was another sunset for earth as the sun slowly set down for the moon to rise up in sky for everyone to enjoy either a good sleep or just to enjoy the night life. For Goku he was just going to lay around his home since he just finished his training along side Vegeta who also finished training with Beerus on his planet for some months now. Gohan was on a nice vacation with his family, just enjoying a little bit of down time and making sure he sent some postcard. Goten was over and Trunks house for a sleep over tonight, so it was just Goku at the house for tonight until [y/n] will be able to come home herself.

Goku didn't feel like falling alseep, so he made up his mind to wait up for his wife [y/n] who was at work; doing paperwork of some kind. Goku made himself something for dinner since his wife taught him how to cook when they couldn't have dinner together normally; plus it was good for both parents to know how to cook when Gohan was little and when Goten was little as well. Grabbing a plate and plopping his food on it, he went to sit on the sofa to watch a good movie. Seeing the movie was just starting he knew it was going to be a while until [y/n] would return from work.

Through out the movie he finished his dinner and cleaned up the kitchen making sure he didn't leave a mess, he knew how long [y/n]'s ours have become and didn't want her to do all the work when she came back home. But even with doing some small work in the house and watching the movie till the end. Goku still didn't feel sleepy, glancing his gaze over to the clock on the wall to his right; he saw it was around eight now. And [y/n] wasn't home at the time when she should be, because she would have been home around this time if not thirty minutes late. Thinking that she was just running a bit late because of traffic, he knew he didn't have to worry to much. But that thought slowly faded away, the moment thirty minutes passed making it eight thirty now. Still no [y/n] and now he was worrying; thinking that something might have happened to her, Goku stood up from the sofa and walked towards the front door. Ready to go out and look for her in the city, around her work to make sure that his imagination of worrying was just a silly prank on his brain.

Goku reached out for the door knob, but he was beaten to it when the door was already being opened. A little shocked and surprised he saw [y/n] at the other side of the door; looking beyond tired. Feeling relief that she was here and alright, he smiled brightly when her [e/c] eyes met his when she looked up at him with a tired smile.

"Welcome home" Goku said to her while he brought her into a gently hug, that she returned before giving her a loveing peck on the lips welcoming her home.

"Everything okay?" he couldn't help but ask, when he closed the front door behind her while she took off her shoes and coat.

"Its nothing really, just stuff at work" she explained with a heavy sigh feeling her tired body struggle to try and stay awake a bit longer.

"You can tell me, I'll make you something to eat and we can talk about it" Goku said to [y/n] when he stood beside her on the left wanting to offer some sort of moment for her to complain about work.

"Okay, sounds great" she said with a warm but still tired smile on her face.

Goku smiled back at her before going over to the kitchen to make something for her, since she had the habit of not eating very much when it came to getting work done. But she's always been like that.

"So are you working on at work?" Goku asked as he began to make some food for her, making her favorite like always when she looked stressed and tired.

"Well, my boss is having me work extra hours, for writing out important paperwork. Not to mention I have a big meeting sometime this week and I have to work on another documents on the computers making sure they are ready to clear for my boss. So yeah, it's a very tiring and stressful moment at work" she explained as she sat on the chair next to the bar counter that sat in the middle of the kitchen.

Goku could here how much she was stressing over all of this work. He found it unfair that she had to do all the work when there was plenty of others to help; it was true that she was the best of them all. But still giving her this much work, is to much for someone to handle alone.

"Doesn't your boss have others helping?" Goku could help but ask when he placed the plate of food in front of her.

"There are some others, but I still feel like I'm doing this all by myself" she explained giving another deep sigh before grabbing her fork and diving into the yummy food her sweet husband made for her.

Goku nod his head in knowing what that feeling felt like, soon an idea came into his mind. He suddenly vanished somewhere in the house with a quick 'be right back' to her. Leaving [y/n] a bit confused as she ate her favorite meal for dinner. It wasn't long until she heard the sounds of running water in the bathroom; still being confused she finished her dinner and placed the empty plate in the sink wanting to deal with it tomorrow. Before walking over to the bathroom to find out what her husband was doing.

Before she could open the door to the bathroom, Goku already opened it with a large smile on his face. Which just confused her a bit more; giving off a soft chuckle Goku step to the right to show [y/n] what he did. [Y/n] couldn't help but smile warmly at the sight, Goku ran her a warm bath with the smell of her favorite bubbles already there. Soft music playing in the background, [y/n] looked up at Goku who was still smiling like an idiot.

"Just relax for how long you want and call me for anything you need" Goku said to her before giving her a kiss on her cheek.

He slipped out from the bathroom to clean up the kitchen for her. [Y/n] slipped out of her dirty work clothes, throwing them into the dirty hamper in the corner. Before slipping into the nice warm bubble bath, that made her sore muscles already feel relaxed. Her smile never left her face, because she always wondered how she was lucky enough to; have Goku as a husband even after all they've been through  together.

About a hour later, she was ready to go to bed and start a new day of work. Standing up from the tub that was starting to drain; she grabbed a towel to dry herself off before wrapping it around her body; Walking out of the bathroom, she headed to the bedroom to get ready for bed. Already seeing some PJ's laid out on the bed for her; not to mention a glass of water with some pain pills since she was having some headaches. Taking the pills for her headaches, she slowly got into her PJ's before slipping under the covers that were soft and warm. Laying down on her side, her eyes were already feeling heavy for sleep. But that didn't stop her from staying awake, when she heard the door open and close again; knowing Goku was coming to bed as well.

Slipping into his PJ's Goku slid under the covers himself on his side of the bed; before wrapping his arms around [y/n] already seeing how tired she really ways. [Y/N] smiled warmly up at him again before sharing a romantic kiss, that he gladly returned with a small smile.

"Thank you" she whispered to him placing her head against his chest.

"Anything for you" he whispered back to her, before giving her one more kiss on the lips before placing his head against his pillow, already knowing [y/n] fell asleep in his arm. He smiled warmly to himself, knowing he would always do anything to make her life easier if in the smallest ways possible. He loved her and that will never change for a very long time.

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