Goku x Reader [Requested] [p4]

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Goku woke up in an instant, seeing that it was night time already and the thought of not seeing [y/n] anywhere made his heart race with worry. Why did that person attack? Why was he after [y/n]? there were so many thought racing through his mind that he started flying around the city trying to find any trace of this mysterious person who took his wife. He could sense where she was, no matter how hard he tried to find her the more he looked the more he began to worry about what might happen to her if he couldn't find her in time. He looked from the city to the wastelands wondering if she was anywhere in the world; he could take all this worry about his wife that he couldn't help but just scream in frustration letting out some ki letting it burst out since he was so frustrated about this whole situation. He calmed down after his burst which helped to clear his mind, making a silent promise to save [y/n] in time so no hard came to her.

He soon made his was back to capsule corp to talk to Bulma about what just happened, landing in the backyard where he saw Bulma and Vegeta. He was going to explain what happened when they're attention was brought to him, but he couldn't help but laugh when he saw Vegeta still had a slap mark on his face from his wife.

"Will you shut up" Vegeta growled through gritted teeth glaring at Goku.

"How can I not laugh?" Goku laughed again before Bulma cleared her throat which brought his attention to her now.

"I'm glad you came back because I fixed the ray, now all we need is [y/n] but where is she?" Bulma said with a smile but it faded when she saw that she wasn't with Goku.

"About that, that's why I came back tonight. We were just on our way from the festival, but someone with dark energy came out of nowhere. He was to fast for me to fight and before I knew it I was knocked out cold, he took [y/n] away for some reason and I can't find her anywhere" Goku became serious as he explained what happened before he was knocked out cold by the mystery person.

Bulma couldn't help but gasp at the news that her best friend was taken away, Vegeta raised a brow at this situation. He might not look like he cared but he did, [y/n] was like a sister to him and would help her if anything happened. Kind of how he had that outburst when Bulma was hurt that one time.

"Miss Bulma!" someone who worked with Bulma came running over to them holding a hologram device.

"What is it?" she asked when they looked at the employ.

"This just started going off, I don't know who it is from" they said a bit worried wondering what was happening.

Bulma took the device from them and pushed a couple of button before the device started to work, making they're eyes widen in shock when they saw the mysterious person there. Goku could feel his anger heating up when he saw the man that took his wife away from him. The man couldn't help but laugh at their faces which only angered Goku more and it was rare for him to become angry at anything.

"Son Goku, if you want to see your brat wife again meet me on the island to the east of the ocean" the man spoke as he looked at Goku through the device.

"Where is she?!" Goku yelled a bit wanting to know if his wife was harmed?

The man said nothing but stepped aside for Goku and the other's. To see his wife and the state she was in which worried Goku when he saw his wife. Now looking like a nineteen years old now, tied in a cage that was filled with dark ki energy. She looked like she was in pain from the energy that was inside the cage, Bulma, Vegeta and Goku were just shocked at what was happening; at least she was alive but from how long?

"If you don't show yourself, I will kill her"  The man finished as he stepped in sight once more, that's when the message ended.

"WHAT DO WE DO? YOU GUYS NEED TO GET THERE!!" Bulma shouted out in worry since this was very serious and she didn't want to lose her best friend.

"Don't worry I'll head there now there is no way I'll let [y/n] die" Goku said before taking off again to go save his wife.

"YOU! YOU BETTER GO HELP HIM AND BRING BACK[Y/N], OR I'LL NEVER UPGRADE YOUR CHAMBER AGAIN!!!" Bulma shouted again in anger this time when she pointed a finger to Vegeta who was still standing beside her. And he knew she was serious but he planned on going anyways without her telling, since he felt this was his fault after what happened this morning.

"Fine just stop your bitching woman" he said before taking off, catching up to Goku in no time flying next to him as they flew to the east to the only island there in the middle of the ocean. To rescue [y/n] from this mysterious man, wondering what he wanted once they got there to fight him. 

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