Kagome x reader [request]

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[a/n: hopefully I got this right]

Archery was a special to Kagome's best friend from the human world at her school that she went to. It was a great time to speed school break; [y/n] liked doing it and she thought Kagome was amazing since she was really good at it, but she didn't share where she learned it from since she didn't think that [y/n] would believe her if she told them.

But there was someone in [y/n]'s club that was a jerk, he always thought he was the best in the club and always brought everyone down because of it; but [y/n] wasn't going to make a big deal about it and she talked about Kagome about him, and she said to ignore him and just do what they still loved to do.

Right now [y/n] was at the club doing some practice while Kagome watched them make some really good shots; but that guy had to come in with his smug face and attitude already [y/n]'s mood was brought down a bit but kept her eyes on the target in front since there was a big contest coming up for the club.

"Nice shot [y/n]" Kagome smiled as she clapped her hands together while you smiled back at her but hearing the 'tsk' beside you made you frown again looking back at the guy.

"That's the best you can do?" he asked while he raised his brow at them taking a shot that was kind of good like theirs but still, he thought he was the best.

"At least I have been practicing and earned my place here" [y/n] argued back trying to make a point since the man got into the club because they were the football coaches son.

"Say whatever you want your still second rate" he said being smug with a smile.

Those words hurt [y/n] when they looked away and walked to the lockers to stop their practice since they didn't want to be around him; Kagome called out to them, but they didn't stop when they vanished. Kagome looked towards the guy who continued to make shots with his bow, ignoring Kagome who was glaring at him.

"You know being humble goes a long way, maybe you should start to learn about what being humble means" Kagome spoke up for her friend who left the club already, but she had to say something. 

"You keep telling yourself that" he said without looking at her taking another shot with his bow while Kagome walked away from him.

It was the day of the contest for the club, and everyone was so excited; but [y/n] was feeling different and smiling a little but not as excited when they were with Kagome, and she could tell that when she was watching from the side lines.

[y/n] was the first to go; feeling the pressure of everyone around them as they all watched but they knew they trained for this and was going to get the best score since they trained for this moment; taking in a breath they lift the bow up and draw back the sting taking aim that they knew what looked good but suddenly the string snapped in half which cut their fingers; everyone was shocked as Kagome rushed out towards them.

"What happened?" she asked while taking their hand in hers seeing their fingers bleeding and now they won't be able to continue.

"I-I don't know" they said while looking at their hand that was shaky from what just happened.

Kagome helped them walk away from the start to go get their hand bandaged up while the contest continued; [y/n] and Kagome watched on the side lines watching the others make good scores; then it was the smug man's turn and he still had that smirk but it didn't look as smug like it did before; he made a good score and was up on the top of the score board, [y/n] looked down from the group as everyone clapped; Kagome looked at them knowing that this meant everything to them and their bow had to break.

As the teacher handed the trophy to him, he smiled a bit but looked back over at [y/n] and Kagome; the words of Kagome rang in his head when he looked at the trophy in his hands; small gasps were heard when [y/n] picked up their head having their eyes widen seeing him in front of her holding the trophy towards her.

"I did a lot of thinking this week and you need this more than me, you would have beaten me in the score" he said to them still holding the trophy out to them.

[y/n] took the trophy in her hands and looked back up at him being a bit confused for a moment since this wasn't like him.

"What changed?" they couldn't help but ask when they looked up at him.

"Well, you practiced more than me and you were more excited for this contest then I was; you deserve it more" he said knowing what Kagome said to him about being humble since acting like being on a high horse got you everything.

"Thank you" they said giving off a warm smile.

Everyone smiled and clapped loudly when Kagome smiled brightly at her friend; bringing them in a big hug that [y/n] returned with a bright smile as she and the guys shook hands together leaving off on good terms. 

[a/n: I hope this is what you were looking, also this will be the last request I can do for a while since main books need to be done]    

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