Goku x Reader [requested] (P5)

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Each battle was intense than the last one, even watching the fights was intense.  After each fight everyone in the crowd was getting more excited than the last. Between the fights with Tien and Yamcha that was a blast to watch, then it was Tien and Jacky Chun was exciting too. Then it was [y/n] vs. Wolfman, [Y/n] made sure that she wasn't going to lose any of these fights. I think the best fight for [y/n] was fighting against Krillin.

Not only was it an epic battle for the both of them, but it was a good time to tease Krillin most of the time. It always out a smile on her face to fight against a friend, even in a tournament like this; but in the end [y/n] won against Krillin and now it was the biggest battle for the tournament. It was now the moment of truth for the champion to be picked for this tournament. Now it was Tien vs. [y/n] and everyone could feel the tension in the air as they both stood in front of each other, each with the will to win this tournament and to prove how strong each other really are.

"You got this [y/n]!" Goku yelled out towards her making sure that she wouldn't be nervous.

[y/n] sent a warm smile and a small wave towards Goku. She was glad that he was cheering her on like her friends that sat with him to watch this fight. Her attention was brought back to Tien with her face turning back into serious mode once again.

"Your going to regret fighting against me, little girl" Tien taunted her trying to get a reaction out of her. But she wouldn't play into his hands like that.

"Just focus on the fight, bald man" she spoke back as she cracked her knuckles together ready to start this fight.

Tien snarled towards her as the sound of the gong went off for the fight to start, the crowd went wild when she and Tien charge towards each other at full speed. They clashed together in a strong leg kick first sending a somewhat strong energy wave out from the attack before they jumped away from each other.

Everyone was shouting for they own favorite winner, Goku and the others were shouting for [y/n] to win the battle. Even though Goku knew she could handle herself in battle, that didn't stop him from worrying about her as he watched her fight Tien with all her strength.

[y/n], threw in a punch that Tien block and pushed away before; doing a mid flip in the air having his right leg hit her in the right rib. Sending her away from him and sliding to a stop that was just on the edge of the arena. It was almost shocking how she saved herself from stopping in time. [Y/n] wasn't going to lose this fight, the thrill of feeling the fight running through her blood made her smile grow with excitement. Her heart was pounding, the more she charged in and the more she and Tien landed good hits on each other. 

Goku was yelling his head off as he cheered her on, not caring if he was being so loud for the whole world to hear him. He wanted to make sure she was not falter if she didn't hear him cheering for her on the side lines.

The fight seem to go on for hours, as everyone watched them in anticipation wondering who will be the winner of this whole tournament. [Y/n] and Tien were both bruised from their punches and kicks they gave each other, some small cuts here and there too. 

"I think its time to end this" Tien said as he took a stance to use one of his special moves on her.

"I agree" she said while taking a stance herself.

They both took their stances; letting them gather all of the energy around them as they both stared daggers at each other; ready to end this fight to end the tournament once and for all.

"KAMEHAMEHA / DODON RAY!!!!" they both shouted at the same time.

Before letting out both their moves out; letting a large energy wave blow everyone away, as they clashed in to each other. The wind was so strong it was blowing the tournament area away one by one as people tried to hold on or some tried to leave the arena to get to safety.

But through the whole fight [y/n] could feel herself reaching the limit, she tried to hold on as she gritted her teeth together. Before her kamehameha suddenly vanished out of nowhere from being exhausted from the fights she battled in; but that didn't stop Tien's ray from coming towards her. Her eyes widen in shock when she couldn't move out of the way from the ray; feeling a sharp pain in her left shoulder, letting out a painful scream once she felt the pain rush through her body. As she suddenly feel out of the tournament arena landing hard against the brick wall that was behind her.

"[Y/N]!!!!" Goku's voice yelled out towards her as she landed on the ground, out cold from the impact of the ray and the fight.

Goku and his friends rush over to her, Goku kneeling down beside her holding her gently in his arms seeing her still breathing but still in a bad shape. Yamcha yelled out for a medic to get out here, everything was a blur for Goku as he just watched [y/n]. Seeing her eyes start to open a little bit as she looked up at him with a small but painful smile on her face.

"S-sorry.....I-I d-didn't.....win" she said before she blacked out again in his arms.

The medics kneeled down beside her and Goku, taking her away from Goku so they could take care of her. Goku was so shocked with what happened to [y/n] but that didn't stop when he sent a death glare towards Tien. Who was standing in the arena, being declared the winner, not caring at all with what he just did to [y/n]. 

"I swear ]y/n] that I will make sure I will win and avenge you" he whispered through gritted teeth under his breath; still sending a glare towards Tien who was now walking away from the arena not caring about anything that just happened or caring about the death glare he could feel coming from Goku.      

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