Goku x Reader [requested] [4]

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This power was unbelievable the more I used it in the fight, I was more fast, stronger and flexible too. It was just amazing how much this power helped out in this tournament; no one could keep up with me it was insane even our group was amazed by it as well as they fought and watched at the same time.

Also Goku unlocked it sometime during a fight but he couldn't keep it as long as I could and he was worn out with how much power it gave out and took as well. But so far we were on the wining side for this tournament as we gave it our all to make sure that we won this fight.

"[Y/N] make sure you don't wear yourself out" Goku said to me as we landed back to back again facing other fighters in front of us.

"I've tried to stop but I can't control it very well" I said as I looked over my shoulder as he looked at me over his shoulder.

"Alright, keep an eye on yourself if something feels off you tell me" Goku nod his head understanding the situation with this power.

"I have no problems with that" I said as I turned to face my enemy who was ready to fight me.

Charging in head on we blocked each others moves as we started fighting hand to hand combat, this guy did match up to my speed but he was still on the defensive side of the fight; reading people's next move was easy for me to do seeing how they left themselves wide open was like they were asking to be fought with and that's how I kept in this fight for the longest time.

I did a back flip kick hitting the guy in the chin and sending him flying out of the arena like many other's before him as I landed back on my feet. Once my feet touched the ground I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head making me groan a bit and hold my head for a moment.

My ears started to ring loudly making the surrounding fights around me fade away, my breathing became heavy as I took in a couple of breathes trying to calm down my heart that started racing out of nowhere. Glancing around me my vision started to fade in and out of focus as I tried to gain back whatever was happening to me.

"[Y/N]!!" I faintly could hear Goku yell out my name as I felt like the world was spinning in my head.

  Swaying back and forth as I tried to stand on my feet for a while longer, but my mind was becoming foggy as I stared longer at the fighting in front of me seeing blurry figures flying across the arena. I blinked once or twice trying to see if that would help my vision but nothing changed from my point of you; soon my world went into black as I felt my body give out and land on the ground hard.  

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