Goku x Oc [Request]

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[a/n: Oc belongs to MiaSakuraSaiyan, also I will try the best I can]

Tenma and her three friends have a big promotion about showing them the most artistic huge mansion designs that the rest of the architecture employees praising them for agreement. So, the four of them went to a fancy restaurant for a big celebration tonight.

"I can't believe we got a big promotion! How the hell did that happen?" one of Tenma's friends asked when he was smiling from ear to ear when sipping on his red wine.

"Just hard work and good company" Tenma said with a bright smile while enjoying this nice treat for her and her coworkers.

"Cheers!" another friend of hers said holding up her glass up for everyone else to join in.

"CHEERS!" they all said again together clicking their glasses together enjoying the night for their big celebration.

As the party went on the day slowly turned to night getting close for Tenma and her friends to part ways to say goodbye to go home. 

Now once she's inside, she took off her clothes to take a shower, brush her teeth but she isn't really sleepy yet her excitement has been lit up to watch her favorite show dragon ball super she stopped at merge zamasu saga that Goku, Vegeta, Mai and older blue haired trunks battle against him; watching the show always got Tenma in a good mood, watching them go off into a fight, watching Goku toss a couple of punches and kicks before using some of his bigger moves always put a smile on her face when watching her crush fight off the bad guys. 

The show is still on the four heroes having a hard time fighting the merge evil immortal God makes Tenma more excited but her mind she really wished she could go to dragon ball world with awesome powers, adventures and other stuff she would desired.

 But what Tenma didn't see her small chest was blinking with pink light, but she soon felt something warm on her chest which caught her attention to look down at the light. She stood up opening PJ's to look at her chest, the object that was glowing pink was her great grandmother's medium size pink crystal heart necklace with angel wings ever since she was little girl keeping it for generations.

"What the?" she couldn't help but ask herself why the necklace was glowing like it was.

She picked it up and was surprised when a pink laser beam suddenly emerged out of the heart angel crystal necklace pointing at her front door mirror closet with a gentle swirling vortex. 

Tenma was very speechless right now couldn't believe what she was seeing but suddenly, she had to blink a couple of times; making sure that she wasn't dreaming or was seeing things from drinking a little bit at the party tonight, but it was still there.

 "Come enter the portal Tenma so that I will grand your wish" a voice came out of nowhere to speak to Tenma who was frozen in her spot by what was happening to her right now.

Tenma wished to say something, but all she could do was scream in fright when something came out in front of her and sucked her into the portal not giving her a chance to say yes or no to this offer; she tried grabbing onto something to stop her from going further but the pull was to strong and the next thing she knew she was sucked into the portal and it closed behind her never to open up again.

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