Goku x Reader [requested] [p4]

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[a/n: I'm going to try my best to try and get this right]

Goku and [y/n] have already completed their training for the tournament and they were both pumped up for a life time of fun. Now they were heading right to the main spot for the tournament ready to fight some strong people that would be entering this contest.

The sight of the tournament gates caught their eyes which made them both smile brightly seeing it up ahead of them. Getting a glimpse of what was about what was about to come their way they both ran faster to get there. Seeing their friends already there was good as well since its been a while since they saw them since they started training.

"hey guys!" [y/n] waved at them catching their attention.

"About time you guys got here" Krillin said to them both as they stood with the crowd.

"Well we're not late so no complaining" [y/n] said again when she placed her hands on her hips.

"One of the fights are about to start so we should go watch" Yamcha said to everyone knowing it would be good to watch some of the fights before they started fighting others.

Everyone agreed to the idea and started heading inside to watch one of the matches of this grand contest. The whole place was filled from each corner that they could see; it was a big place for sure and it was going to be fun having everyone watching them fight today.

"Is that you Goku? [y/n]?" a voice came from behind them which made the two turn around.

seeing an old friend named Nam and an old man next to him known as Jackie Chun that stood by him, but [y/n] couldn't help but think that Jackie Chun looked like someone she already has met before but brushed it off.

"Long time no see Nam" Goku greeted him as they stood in front of him.

"yes it has, I hope you both are fairing well" he said as he looked at the both of them.

"We're doing good, gotten stronger too" [y/n] smiled brightly filled with excitement with the fights.

"I look forward to hearing it" he said to them with a kind smile.

That's when the loud announcement called out for all fighters to get ready to start the fights. Like a all out fight to knock out those who would fail before the first real fight in the contest, both Goku and [y/n] were excited to have some fun and take their training to another level in the fights.

Everyone said their goodbyes to each other before they all went their separated ways to start this big fight. The whole crowd was cheering loudly for the others as they waited for this contest to start with a big bang. It was really a big deal and hearing the people cheering and seeing the people around her [y/n] could feel her heart pounding and her blood boil with excitement.

They all stood in the middle of the large square, facing all the people around them the tension was thick in the air. There were no friends when it was time to fight out in this large ring. It was hard to read some of the fighters as they stood in the ring.

Soon the buzzed went off letting the fighters know it was time to start fighting big time. In a flash everyone charged in like lightening speed; everyone going after the people they wanted to get out of the ring faster. Clashes of fists could be heard through out the stadium while the people cheered for each of them.      

[y/n] noticed that some of the people here went after her, Goku and Krillin mostly her since she was small and being a girl. It made her a bit angry that they thought her so weak because she was a girl. But she made sure to make them eat their own thoughts, as she passed hard punches and kicks as she flipped through the air; through her training she became faster and could move around the other large fighters.

"Goku behind you!" [y/n] couldn't help but yell out to Goku when his attention was somewhere else.

Goku turned around to punch the guy out of the ring with one kick, which shocked a couple of people watching. Goku couldn't help but smile towards [y/n] who smiled in return giving him a thumbs up. 

the fights lasted for a couple of hours until the buzzer was hit making the matches end for everyone in the ring, those who stood tall was [y/n], Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, Jackie Chun and this little guy named Chaozu.

"alright!" [y/n] cheered knowing they were going to do good with this.

suddenly the speaker was turned on which caught everyone attention which made everyone worried; the announcer called out that Nam was out cold on the ground which made [y/n] and Goku turn around seeing the scene before them. Seeing Nam face down on the ground with this guy Tien standing over him with a serious face. 

"I was expecting something better, he was just weak and worthless. If your going to be weak then you shouldn't get into a tournament base on strength and skills alone" the guy Tien spoke about Nam as he just looked at his out cold body 0on the floor as Tien turned away from him.

Goku was fuming right now, as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists together until his hands turned white. [y/n] was also fuming with anger but she knew how to control it better; she saw Goku was about to do something stupid going after Tien wasn't going to make things better.

Before he could go and beat the crap out of him, [y/n] grabbed his shoulder gentle which made Goku look at her with a bit of shock wondering why she would stop him from going after Tien after speaking badly about their friend.

"He'll get what he deserves in the fight, trust me we'll get him for this" [y/n] said to Goku trying to calm him down as she gave him a sweet smile but held promise about giving Tien a beat down that he deserves.

Gokue couldn't help but give her a big smile returning to his old goofy self again, every time [y/n] was near or talked some sense into him. Goku calmed down and returned to being his childish self.

"right we'll get him" he said as he draped his right arm over her shoulder which made her smile and giggle as they both knew that they were just about to get started with this fight. Ready to take on anyone that stood in front of them.    

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