Goku x Reader [Requested] [1]

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The only thing that [Y/N] could see was her home planet shaking, the place slowly blasting up in certain places. As she was being carried by her mother; she didn't understand what was happening or why it was happening. But she was scared as she held onto her mother for dear life. 

Hearing something her attention was brought to her father who was pushing some buttons. The last thing she remembered before this was training with her father; once he pushed the last button letting something pop open making her jump a bit.

Her mother placed her within the pod looking thing strapping her in place. She looked up at her parents with worry and fright in her eyes; her mother gave her a warm smile before the pod closed it blocking [Y/N] from escaping the pod by herself. Her father held a proud smile towards her before the pod suddenly launched away from them.

[Y/N] couldn't understand what was happening when her pod started flying away from her home planet. Until the sight of her home suddenly blew up right in front of her. Everything she knew and loved was gone, her friends, her home and worse her parents who protected her and raised her to train and fight even though she was the nicest person but she was brave as well.


Through out the long journey she could only sleep through out the journey. She was done letting tears go hours ago as she flew through the dark void of space; she was so tired she didn't bother to wake up from the shaking of the pod as she was coming in to land on a different planet.

Suddenly her pod slammed into the ground knocking her out in the impact of the ground but wasn't harmed from it; all she could see was darkness in her vision but noticed that her body was somehow moving around without her doing anything. Maybe someone found her and saved her? Or maybe it was all a dream and her father picked her up to put her to bed for the night to sleep off training.

After a while she started to wake up slowly feeling her head throb from a bit of pain. Her vision was a bit blurring but it was slowly coming back when she blinked a couple of times to clear it. The weird sight of a strange house came to her vision, this wasn't her room nor was it her house from back home.

"Oh good your awake" a voice from a young boy spoke to her making her turn her attention to a young boy around ten with spiky black hair and a bright smile on his face. 

"We were worried about you, you were out for a couple of hours" an old man spoke this time when he joined the young boys side.

"W-where?" she asked first still looking around before she slowly sat up on the sofa she was placed on.

"Your at my grandpa's house, his name is Gohan and I'm Goku" the young boy spoke as he pointed to the old man and then pointed to himself.

"I'm [Y/N]" she spoke as she looked at them with a small smile. She then noticed something about Goku and that was a brown tail swishing back and forth sometimes.

"You have a tail too?" she asked a bit in shock when she saw one of her kind on this mysterious planet.

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