Goku x Reader [P2] [Requested]

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It was another lovely nice morning, [y/n] woke up from her deep slumber feeling better than last night. She couldn't help the small smile on her face when she heard Goku wake up next to her like every morning.

"Did you sleep well?" Goku asked when he sat up in bed beside her.

"Yes I did" she smiled softly which made Goku smile back her, before leaning down to her and giving her a sweet kiss on the lips that she returned.

Suddenly her phone ran which made her look at her nightstand; picking up her cellphone she saw that Bulma was calling her. This early? What could she need right now.

"What's up?" she asked the moment she took the call holding her phone up to her ear.

"Ah, [y/n] I have something interesting at capsule corp I want you and Goku to see it. when you get a chance today pop on over" she spoke back talking about whatever new thing she did at her father's big business lab.

"Okay, we'll be over after breakfast see ya then" she said wondering what she needed to see with Goku before hanging up.

"I guess Bulma needs something?" Goku said as he and [y/n] climbed out of bed.

"Guess so" she just shrugged before heading off to the kitchen to start breakfast before heading over to Bulma's place to see what she wanted them both to see this early in the morning right now.

After breakfast, Goku held [y/n] bridal style as they both flew; she was going to fly herself but Goku still wanted to treat her like a princess so he carried her all the way over to capsule corp. Making there in record time they saw Bulma waiting for them outside the building; seeing her smile and wave at them as they landed in front of her.

"Hey there guys" she said as she stood in front of them both.

"Morning, so what is this thing you wanted us to see?" [y/n] asked still wondering what she had to show them.

"Oh yes its a new thing I made called the age ray basically it reverses time to go back to youth for humans, animals and more if needed" she brightened up explaining what she made a couple of hours ago thinking it was the best thing she has ever made.

"Really? that's so cool! Can we see it work?" Goku brightened up like a child which made [y/n] chuckle at his attitude.

"Sure thing" Bulma said as she walked back into the building behind her with [y/n] and Goku following behind her.

Coming into the large lab room they saw the ray sitting on a desk, as the old sea turtle Bulma found at Roshi's house was there waiting for them.

"I'm guessing your doing it on him?" [y/n] asked already knowing where this was going.

"Sure thing, he already agreed" Bulma smiled as she picked up the ray in her hands it was a medium size that she could hold in her arms.

Pushing some buttons on the ray and a couple of switches; it started making some sounds seeing it was charging up and Bulma aimed the ray at the turtle who was waiting for the magic; but out of nowhere there was a large blast within the place coming from where Vegeta was training in the gravity chamber. Which lead to Bulma jumping from the surprise blast and pulling the trigger before they all new it the ray fired and it didn't go for the turtle.

Suddenly [y/n] screamed when she was suddenly hit with the ray which made everyone's blood freeze when the bright light took over the room blinding the people who were in the room before the light calmed down letting the ray turn off from the blast.

"[Y/N]!" Goku screamed when he couldn't see any sign of his wife from where she stood.

"Oh my god" Bulma was freaking out seeing what just happened when there was nothing but a pile of clothes where [y/n] stood before.

Bulma was freaking out thinking that she killed [y/n] by mistake while Goku was in fear of losing his wife from a mistake that happened. But they didn't miss seeing something moving in the pile of clothes which made them freeze on the spot.

"What happened?" a small little voice came out from the pile of clothes, before someone sat up wearing a very large shirt on her ten year old body.

"[Y/N]!!!" both Goku and Bulma shouted at her in shock seeing what just happened.

"What? [cough], is that my voice? Is that my voice? What happened?" [y/n] asked before coughing a bit hearing how her voice was a bit higher than normal.

"Um well" Goku didn't know how to explain this as he looked at his wife in shock.

Bulma brought a full body mirror over to [y/n] letting it sit on the ground as she held it for [y/n] to see her small self again which made her scream in surprise seeing her ten year old self again.

"[Y/n] I am so sorry I promise I'll fix this" Bulma said feeling to guilty for what happened to her friend.

"How am I going to explain this to my boss?" [y/n] whined when she looked at her small hands.

Goku came over to her, picking her small body up in his arms seeing her shirt was very big for her; he would laugh if his wife wasn't upset by the out come of the day.

"We'll find a way, I promise" Goku said trying to cheer her up a little bit with his bright smile. But [y/n] could only nod her head still feeling down knowing this could take forever to fix maybe and she didn't want to be stuck in her ten year old body for very long.     

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