Goku x Oc [Request] [p2]

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Tenma continue screaming now that the strange vortex sent her into a glowing white place white soft clouds all over the place and up in the sky there is a shining half-moon with millions of sparkling stars. Tenma look every area she's seeing couldn't help being astonished she held tight her crystal heart with wings wouldn't bare to lose it decided to explore the place. Until then, a one strange person magically teleported in front of her in distant between them makes Tenma almost had a heart an attack from seeing each other it was an old woman wearing all white clothing, halo on top of her head, holding a wooden cane and has beautiful white angel wings.

"Grandmother?" Tenma asked in surprise, not truly believing that it was her grandmother for a moment.

"Ah, my dear Tenma I see you have finally come" the voice of her grandmother spoke once Tenma stood in front of her.

"What do you mean?" she asked being confused and a bit scared.

"Do not be afraid young one, for you are the chosen one for great things in this world, you will be the greatest warrior the world has ever seen; I am so proud of you my granddaughter never forgets that" her grandmother spoke to her explaining a little bit but in a riddle sort of way.

After the kindhearted old lady tells her everything, Tenma couldn't contain herself anymore her eyes burst with tears while hugged her tight feeling so emotional she could see her great grandmother again face to face the old lady chuckle at her she did the same hugged her back with love. 

Ever since she was young by the age of ten years old, she would that magical crystal hears angel wings necklace burying deep inside at the beautiful sand beach once she put it on, the necklace summoned a portal that it can go any anime universe enjoying an exciting adventure on her own decided not to tell anybody.

"Do not forget never use your powers for anger, for the necklace will break from such anger and hatred, use it only for good and for love" her grandmother told her before Tenma's world seemed to black around her letting her grandmother vanish with it.

Once her vision came back Tenman could see she has changed and she has a tail as well to be a full blooded Saiyan she is now ready to go. 

"Open to dragon ball universe!!" Tenman shouted out loud enough for the necklace to hear her commands.

The portal finally reappeared in front of her, Tenma was now at the falling ruins with few damage buildings and dark skies as well she looked around figure it out, she's teleported in west city on Trunks timeline.

"I can't believe I'm here; I can't believe I'm HERE!!!" she started jumping up and down excited when she spun around having the time of her life.

 She finally calms down pounded her heart to calm herself down for a bit. A sound of an explosion makes her yelp she saw a damage building clothes shop she has an idea she went inside to wear a black hoodie, sports pants, fingerless gloves, running sports shoes, black sunglasses and mask to cover her mouth. She is now ready for action Tenma ran at the straight direction hiding herself at the building to take a peek never forget to conceal her energy so that they won't sense her. Tenma finally found her one and only crush Goku makes her heart leap with joy she saw him fighting alone at merge Zamasu with his super saiyan blue kaioken.

Although, Zamasu wasn't hurt at all since he was immortal being the merge being punched Goku on the gut hard making his transformation losing landed on the ground brutally. Vegeta looks at his rival with too many damages all over his body unable to fight anymore he tell his future son Trunks and Mai to look after him he transformed into super Saiyan blue to charge straight at Zamasu both of them do what he says while fighting him off. In the end, it was the same result that he did the same just like Goku was and now there is no longer hoped to stop the merge ruthless god Future Trunks and Mai are beyond scared Goku and Vegeta are awake but beaten up by them harshly. It was Tenma's chance to spring into action she put two index fingers on her forehead to use her own instant transmission vanished herself in thin air. Back at Zamasu he looked down the four of them saw the two rivals trying their best backing up on their feet, but lay back down at the ground completely gave in future Mai told them we need to get inside the time machine to get back at Goku and Vegeta's time present the merged god wouldn't allow it fire his ki blast successfully destroyed it future Trunks eyes widened in horror couldn't believe his time machine was demolished without it, they will never get back on the present time to meet Bulma and the others Mai on the other hand, was screaming with horror with tears leak in her eyes as for the two rivals, their heart sank losing their hope.

"DAMN IT!!" Trunks was beyond angry he draws out his sword transformed into super Saiyan he was about to charge at him. 

"Stop, you'll get yourself killed!" Vegeta stops him by yelling at him not to do anything so reckless and Goku say the same thing told Mai and Trunks to run away and never looked back they were shocked what Goku saying but they persistent disobey.

Zamasu laugh at them evilly told them the four of you will be reunited all together at the afterlife soon enough he raised both of his hands to summon a gigantic energy ball to finished them off.

"You put up a good fight truly, but in the end, you lost; no point in sticking around now is there" he was about to throw at them, suddenly he was stopped making his attack disappeared completely his whole body beginning to shake with fear sensing a very powerful presence stronger than him. 

"What!? What happened!" The four of them are very confused at Zamasu's behavior but Goku, Vegeta and future Trunks snapped their heads also sensing that very strongest power as well.

He turned his head at the left direction finally seeing a black hooded figure none other than Tenma standing on the top of the damage building while she cross folded her arms at her chest looking at Zamasu with an angry look on her eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" Zamasu growled when he looked at Tenma with anger.

"Just a friend" she spoke still holding her angry gaze with Zamasu.

The four of them looking at her and amazement about her power level the merge god was enraged that how she's stronger than she is he wasted no time but to fire a evil ki blast at her but she wasn't afraid only standing still calm himself down Tenma yawn at her mockingly told him how weak your attack she slapped it away with ease Zamasu and the other four gasp with shocked for what they've seeing it until then, the debris was starting to rise and shake slowly all five feel it very surprised it was coming from Tenma her whole body was glowing with silver aura in seconds, she transformed into master ultra instinct. Zamasu looking at her pure horror never would've thought that he seen it for the first time of his life he was about to escaped but stopped him with ki rings to restraining his wrist and ankles back at the four, they couldn't help themselves being shocked mixed with awestruck.

"How is she that strong?" Vegeta asked in shock and a little bit of jealousy too.

"I don't know but she's amazing" Goku couldn't help but smile as he watched Tenma.

Tenma raise up her hand summoned a purple orb with God ki Zamasu tried to ask for mercy asked if she could forgive him, but she didn't listen to him for villains never won mercy; she fired her own hakai attack successfully hit the merge god and completely erase him at his existence he was now no more never come back for good. She slowly turned the four that they still look at her with awestruck that she finished the job for them she raised her hand one last time to snapped her fingers to heal Goku and Vegeta fully and addition fixing the damaged time machine two rivals stand up moving their bodies their not really hurt anymore not only that future trunks time machine is fixed Mai couldn't help to be very emotional having tears of joy she turned around was about to say thank you her eyes widened in surprised Tenma was now gone.

"Thank you, thank you so much" Mai couldn't hold back her smile as she thanked Tenma before turning to Trunks still smiling as she went to him.

Goku look at the building one last time where Tenma was standing, he couldn't help to feel really excited to see that black hooded stranger again and he shout out as well.

"Thank you! I hope we can spare together; your power is amazing" Goku shouted out to Tenma who couldn't help but smile and blush when she looked over at him giving him a wink. 

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