Goku x Reader [request] [p5]

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Y/N just woke up with a jump, her eyes widened she as she glanced around the place she was in knowing very well she wasn't at the amusement park anymore. She looked at her hands seeing they weren't small anymore which made her wonder if she was back to normal but she wasn't sure yet. But she was worried about Goku knowing that he was beaten up pretty bad when they were leaving the park. Hearing someone moving her attention was brought to the mysterious hooded man. Y/n remembered she remembered him from the park when she and Goku went to the amusement park to have fun after what happens at Bulma's.  He then suddenly appeared in front of the exit gate and he knock Goku out cold as he dragged her away and shortly knocked her out cold. 

Y/n give her best glare at him which only made the man chuckle at her, that just made her even more angry since he was acting like she wasn't that big of a deal. 

"Who the hell are you?!" she yelled at him getting angry at this little game.

He laughed at her menacingly before doing what she says he revealed himself as "Turles" the splitting image of Goku except his skin color was black. 

"Didn't see that coming" she said a bit calm and surprised since he was just like my husband Goku it would almost like looking in a mirror if Goku had a twin or something like that.

"I may look like your fool of a husband but at least I still have my Saiyan instincts, unlike him" he chuckled as he walked over to her cell before kneeling down to the cage level on the ground; showing his smirk. That's when he snapped his finger together; so he wasn't alone like Y/n though he was. 

Her eyes widened in shock as she saw Frieza, Cooler, Cell (Perfect Form), and kid Buu. They couldn't have come back her and Goku got rid of those guys a long time ago. How were they here now?

"Why are they here? How did you do it?" she asked when she looked at Turles with a dagger glare. he couldn't help but chuckle before answering her.

"The dragon balls sweetheart, we'll finally get what we all want and that is your husband dead" he smirked at her as the other all laugh menacingly.

Y/N began to get even more angry hearing his idea of killing Goku after what happened, it made her blood bowl. She had enough power so she power up herself even is she was stuck in a 10 years old girl but she was still really strong which made the whole island tremble or shake. They all stop laughing and look at her with shocked they sense her power level was beyond stronger than them, Turles couldn't help but smirk since he know she was pretty strong and not a bad fighter. 

The dark cage created by Turles was destroyed when the light died down which made some dust fly everywhere, she walk slowly out of the dust with her hands clenched tightly together; with an anger look on her face that transformed herself into super Saiyan blue. Turles and his villain friends stared at her with surprised they have never seen that transformation before they where almost getting scared, but they wouldn't show that side of them.

"Keep your guards up, she'll power down sooner or later. Being in that form will wear her out" Turles said to the others as he kept his eyes on Y/n.

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