Goku x Oc [Final Part] [Request]

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[a/n: this is the final chapter to this one shot thank you all for reading and requesting]

"You guys didn't need to do this" Tenma said when seeing all the food and drinks she could have in front of her after she took care of Chi-Chi and her new boyfriend.

"Are you kidding? you deserve all of this" Bulma looked at her when placing another plate of food down, not bothered how her son and the other boys were chowing down the food in front of them.

Tenma couldn't help but chuckled and smile warmly, giving Goku a glance seeing him eating the food and she couldn't help but blush when looking down to her own food and drinks; getting started on her own eating since all that Chi-Chi business made her hungry and the food was so good right now. 

"Could you train me sometime miss?" Goten looked up from his food with big puppy eyes when looking at Tenma wanting to train with her.

"Of course, I can" she smiled brightly seeing the gleam in his eyes when she agreed to train him.

"Hey, I want to learn too!" Trunks spoke up not wanting to be left out of the new training that Goten asked for.

"I can teach you as well, I can help everyone train if they wish" Tenma spoke again glancing around the table offering her training to them even if she was still figuring out it herself but she could learn a bit more from them like they can from her.

Everyone seemed to like the idea of training, Vegeta just gave a 'tsk' ignoring her as he ate and drank which only made her shake her head at his attitude right now. But she wasn't worried about him he will warm up sooner or later and she was fine with that.

"You were truly amazing against Chi-Chi, I wish I could give you more than a thank you" Goku finally broke away from his eating to look at Tenma who seemed to blush at his words.

"Oh, it was no problem really, she needed to be taught a lesson anyways and I can't really stand people like that" Tenma tried waving it off or more trying to hide her blush on her cheeks as she looked at him since they were basically sitting right beside each other.

She didn't know why but she thought Bulma more like shoved them together at the table when bringing out the food and drinks, her heart couldn't help but pound in her chest since she was so close to her crush right now and talking to him like it was a normal day like any other normal day and she was enjoying every single moment and treasure this moment as well and keep it close to her heart.

"Learning some of your moves will be amazing, I can also show you some of mine" Goku spoke again looking into her eyes offering some of his moves that she could use with her own moves.

"That would be fun" she smiled brightly with sparkles in her eyes like a fan girl right now, but she didn't care right now.

Everyone returned to their eating and shared some stories back and forth, Tenma was smiling and laughing with everyone enjoying hearing their voices and enjoying the time together with them. If she had a camera right now, she would take a picture of this time with them to treasure them closely to her heart; they were like a second family to her, and she would do anything for them.

After the food was gone and the drinks were gone, everyone seemed to calm down from the small celebration they held for Tenma; Goten and Trunks fell asleep on the sofa passed out cold from all the food they ate. Tenma helped Bulma tuck the boys in for bed hearing them snore away made Tenma smile and giggle at them thinking they were both adorable before closing the door behind them, Tenma went outside to get some fresh air and get a nice stretch when reaching out with her arms giving out a gentle sigh.

The sight of Goku standing beside her looking up at the stars made her slightly blush when looking up at the stars with him with a warm smile on her face.

"Thank you again" Goku broke the silence around them when he looked down at Tenma.

"Goku I would do anything for you and your friends" she smiled with a small blush on her cheeks but slightly looked down trying to hide it right now from him feeling her heart about to burst out of her chest right now.

But what surprised her shocked her to no end, as she looked slightly down at the ground; Goku didn't know what came over him when he bent down to her height and gave her a small kiss on the edge of her lips making Tenma freeze in place with a large blush on her face making her look like an apple right now.

"Sorry i-if that was f-forward" Goku seemed to get out of his trance when he realized what he just did, having a blush on his face at well.

"No, no its perfectly fine not forward at all" Tenma said still blushing red and having a shy smile on her face while darting her eyes back to Goku to the ground already feeling like she could fly right now.

Goku rubbed the back of his neck giving off an awkward laugh that Tenma shared as well, not knowing to the two that they were being watching around the corner by Bulma who was watching them both.

"Your awful, woman" Vegeta sighed heavily with a grunt leaning against the wall beside Bulma with his arms crossed.

"You flatter me" she smiles at him before looking back at Tenma and Goku seeing how they were reacting to each other giving herself a pat on the back for playing match maker for Goku and Tenma.

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